Reviews from

in the past

forgot to log this. played a few hours this year. I found it hard to get into (repeating stuff when you die... the slow menu transitions lol.. they have a certain charm but get pretty grating)

but I really admire the way it has such a b-movie feel to it, but also how each individual room/combat/weird puzzle idea feels like a little vignette of its own. Maybe I'll come back some day! Or just move on to RE2...

Great start to an amazing franchise, gives you a good look on how games were back then. The puzzels were really well made the horror aspect was also done really well for the time it was out.

When I think of this with the mind of someone playing when it came out, I think it's pretty revolutionary. Sure, the acting's terrible and the controls feel dated, but there's something charming about the whole game to me. This was the survival horror game. Just seeing those beginnings was cool enough for me

The box art was so scary as a kid I couldn't touch it for fear I'd make the spiders come alive and get me

Эти ролики снятые с мясными людьми...
Этот "Рэзидэнт ИИвил"...
Это мега странное управление...
Эта актёрская игра в озвучке...
Ностальгия, которой не может быть
Наконец я начал это долгий путь по резику

7 ключей из 10

This was the first game I ever got that was rated 15 and I had to beg my dad to buy it for me and then he did and then when he saw it he just laughed at it while I thought it was the best thing I'd ever seen.

My personal favorite of the original trilogy. I'm a sucker for that b side horror vibe and this game is full of it.


Just looking at the cover art brings back the taste of Jolt Cola and the excited feeling of staying up all night with friends to get through the game.

It's dated, but the core of the gameplay elements are really good. Also the acting is really fucking funny there's so many good quotable lines. It's simple, but good and I think it's a must-play if you're interested in survival horror.

Jogo muito bom, mesmo com os controles mais "datados" é muito facil de se acostumar. Esta foi minha primeira vez terminando um jogo da franquia ResidentEvil (Ja iniciei outros mas nunca terminei). Historia do jogo pelo o que eu sei é uma porcentagem de uma grande historia que vai se construindo no proximos jogos. Jogo muito bom recomendo jogar. Fiz apenas a campanha da Jill(tem algumas mudanças no modo de jogo e um pouco da historia)

Who would win in a fight? Bigot Sandwiches? or Jill Sandwiches?

- Great exploration aspect to the game, making a first playthrough feel like a maze.
- Classic voice acting.
- Two characters makes the game replayable, especially with the completion time aspect to it.