Reviews from

in the past

Vaya desastre de juego, con una historia que no tiene sentido por tantas rutas, finales mediocres y hasta ridículos, jugabilidad torpe e incómoda, misiones tediosas y varios errores de programación; Shadow merecía algo mejor que esto...

Guns in a sonic game is so crazy to me

He's carrying a fucking gun.

Regardless of if you like it or not, making a Sonic game starring Vegeta-Sonic, giving him a gun and a branching story with multiple endings is absolutely wild and I enjoy the fact it exists in the history of this stupid planet.

a great simulator of every day new york city

this is like the anti-sonic forces to me.

the problem with sonic forces is that it's bland, boring and it has extremely little to do. shadow has plenty of levels, hundreds of paths and is ANYTHING but boring.

but it's laggy, unpolished as all hell, extremely edgy in the corniest ways possible, and the level designs are... awful, to say the least. sonic forces, for how much i enjoy shitting on it, is an extremely polished game with so little edge it may as well be a circle.

shadow is better simply because i felt something while playing it. even if that was just laughing at the stupid cutscenes and stupider dialogue, it got something out of me. it also took some risks that, while i don't think they paid off, were at the very least interesting.

bad, but in a fun way.

You play both sides and get revealed as an NPC, truly ahead of its time

Big meh spin off even for fun, good concept tho. You don't need to play it tho but if you wanna, give it a go

gunshot noises

having to play through it at least ten times is awful game design WHY

arma porrada bomba cigarros shadow carros

o jogo mais másculo que já existiu pra criançada

This game does NOT slap (start of the dark age of sonic)

Edgy as hell, loved it as a kid blah blah blah I'm sorry when the hell was this game on ps3?

this game is like really fun and i like it alot and its way better than heroes

finishing this game i think i deserve thr title ultimate life form wtf was that

game has so much sauce with its music and surprisingly the gameplay it just really falls apart with its branching pathways and the dreadful repetition that it leads to. also some of the mission objectives are flat out not fun.

final boss was kino.

The select sfx is a gunshot, and he says damn and has a gun. I would get a back tattoo of shadow and black doom if I had the money.

this is not that good of a game. its kinda buggy as hell but there is SO MUCH to do and its so fun to me. idk its epic

I Am... All Of Me.

Shadow the Hedgehog has been my favorite Sonic character ever since Sonic Adventure 2, so naturally I was looking forward to trying out the one game, where he plays the main role - despite the overall divisive reception of Shadow 2005.

That being said, you know you're in for a ride when the very first level already leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Have you ever wondered how Shadow would control like if he was constantly ice-skating? Probably not, but Shadow 2005 takes that question off your mind by providing you with physics that feel floaty and entirely different from the previous 3D games. Even with those complaints in the beginnning, everything was still tolerable enough for me to keep my motivation to a certain point, but while playing through Iron Jungle, it dawned on me that this game was infamous for a reason. The cherry on top was the Egg Breaker boss afterwards though, who should have been named Camera Breaker, cause that's all he does while Shadow is running little laps around the base in the center of the arena ad infinitum. No offense to Lava Shelter though, it was the final level on the route I played and I actually enjoyed it a good amount after the mess that the previous stage was.

Enough talk about the gameplay, as the unique way of storytelling is also a key aspect of Shadow 2005. There are unironically 326 possible routes to play and they even have their own unique names - but it doesn't change the fact that the storytelling is nonsensical in many cases. So basically there's an alignment system in the levels, which you can advance through completing certain objectives towards your alignment. If you want to be evil, do Black Doom's requests. If you want to remain neutral, just run through the level and get the Chaos Emerald. This way of storytelling is actually an interesting concept for a game like Shadow the Hedgehog, as he is this morally ambiguous character, who can be easily interpreted as a player for both sides. Depending on which objectives you complete, the selection of levels across the stage flowchart changes accordingly and I'm sure the idea is that you don't have to play the same levels twice. Quite ironic, considering you have to play through Westopolis at least ten times in order to see the true ending, all while doing the same, repetitive tasks. Considering the amount of "kill [x] amount of enemy" challenges present, it would have been nice if you weren't required to kill every single enemy in the stage. You missed one? Good luck backtracking and finding them, cause the game surely won't tell you where to search. I couldn't really bring myself to do those challenges, so I went for a run that's mostly on the neutral side, but even that required me to play arduous levels like Iron Jungle to the end. Playing it several times would not be something on my priority list, so I only played a single route and called it quits for now.

Sorry for the amount of unorganized rambling in the second half. I still had my fair share of fun with Shadow the Hedgehog, even if some of it comes from a "so bad it's good again" perspective, cause there's something about it that sticks with me here, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Either way, if I have to give the game some credit where it's due, it's for the soundtrack - the remix for Eggman's theme and the title theme "I Am... All Of Me" are both bangers.

While I did finish nearly the whole game, I never finished each final stage due to being gatekept by the worst level in the game. The soundtrack does slap though, I will give it that.

This game is goated and I will die on this DAMN HILL

shin megami tensei if it was awesome

i don't know how to feel about this game

Wheres that DAMN fourth chaos emerald??

This is the tombstone for all Sonic games past this point(except Generations). If you played Adventure 1 & 2 then you could see how Sega was slowly taking the Sonic franchise into a darker and grittier area. This is the culmination of that idea and it is just as cringe as you would expect. I can’t imagine why anyone in this day and age would want to play this. If it’s for the novelty then let me tell you, it’s not a “So bad it’s good” kind of game, it’s just painful overly edgy cringe. What a joke

Who gave this MF a gun and thought: " Yeah let him kill the president!" ?