Reviews from

in the past

Incredible game and I loved seeing Raidou and I loved all of the demon fusions. One of the unique games to have me spending hours to grind to level 100 and gain the most overpowered demons. I love it and look forward to playing the original!

There is a lot to love about Nocturne. The story is relevant and timeless, the characters engaging. The Vortex World of post-apocalyptic Tokyo is eerily beautiful, the dungeons varied. The voice acting is all around pretty solid (I played using the Japanese cast, since I prefer original language to dubs). Even the game’s vaunted difficulty, for all the anguish and frustration it caused, has its own charms. Some of the game design choices feel distinctly of their era and returning to them 20 years on feels archaic and cumbersome, but despite those flaws, Nocturne stands the test of time and remains one of gaming’s best RPGs. You owe it to yourself to play it if you haven’t before, and to revisit it if you have. The HD remaster is a fantastic addition to the SMT library.

Haven't gotten an ending due to burnout, will go back soon.

Yeah yeah atmosphere is great, demon collecting is fun.

The ps2 puzzles though...

Nice meme references, broskis over at Atlus USA! you guys are so talented really proud of yuo


This was my first SMT game outside of Persona and Catherine, and it definitely met and exceeded my expectations on just how peak of a game it could possibly be.

This game manages to introduce to the world one of the most engaging turn based combat systems ever created, along with managing to explore different philosophical view points in an almost equally engaging and interesting way. I loved the reasons each character had and how they all have their benefits and flaws. While I did go for the good freedom ending, I will definitely be going back to this game to explore the different reason endings (specifically musubi and shijima and I find them more compelling personally than yosuga) along with TDK as I didn't do anything in labyrinth of amala in my first playthrough.

This game just blew my expectations away and my playthrough will definitely be one of my highlights of this year.

Fuck the random encounters though

Looking forward to when this gets the hardtype mod. Doesn't change a whole lot but being able to select skills is huge. Certainly could have done more.

Loved the world, characters, music, and gameplay.

However, I wish for the team who designed the dungeons to step on Legos barefoot every now and then.