Reviews from

in the past

Não tenho nem noção de quanto tempo eu passei jogando esse game, devo ter zerado ao menos umas 10x... Fez minha infância!

the best part of mario 64 is its controls. this game ruins them. it's not that good

CLASSIQUE, le jeu est si long et c'est constamment bien

not as good as they say, but not as bad as they say. this was my first 3d mario. i remember lakitu telling yoshi that "mario has been missing for ages" or something along those lines, and i was such a stupid child that i kept trying to calculate how long "ages" was because i was curious how long mario was trapped in the castle for. i came to the horrifying conclusion that it had been centuries.

Impressive remake that took a few steps forward but a lot back. The steps forward being that the new content is great, mini games are fun, nice seeing the game with modern models, and the ending stretch is more bearable. The steps back are that it controls much worse, which makes the already frustrating moments in the OG more bad. If the ending is more bearable, the beginning feels more annoying now. Overall a good game but could’ve been a better remake, 6.5/10

i feel like it adapted pretty well to the dpad, it still blows my mind that mario 64 just runs like that on the ds, and also the minigames are a ton of fun

Would have been the definitive way to play Mario 64 had it been developed for the Wii, or even pushed back 7 years for a 3DS launch title, but for some godforsaken reason, Nintendo thought: "Yes, this is perfect for the DS!"

The amount of times I've replayed this is ridiculous. LOVE IT!
and yet despite that i hadn't completed this game once lol.

It's a beautiful game, I think we all know that. However, it's a shame that the camera is still not functioning properly and that swimming feels like you're carrying two 20kg bricks.

An improvement over the original in every way, except for the part where the original could be controlled with human hands.

you be having the time of your life in this game and then BOOM the last 2 levels, those could've been considered as a new type of torture ngl

The definitive version of Super Mario 64
Wario is in it

This is an excellent remake of the original. I love the concept of taking old classics and adding new content to them. This adds 30 new stars, a handful of new levels, four new playable characters, and fun minigames. This is mandatory playing for all owners of the Nintendo DS.

Fidèle à lui-même, dédiasse au piano qui m'a trauma quand j'avais 10 piges, les minis-jeux masterclasse aussi

(3DS widescreen and analog patch)
Actually a very well-made remake. I've played the original SM64 for probably hundreds of hours ever since I was a kid, but I never beat it. This is my first time playing to the very end, getting 82 stars (you need 80 instead of 70 in this version to reach the ending)

The controls and game feel are still a little scuffed compared to the original, but I like the unique movesets of the other characters, new powerups, new levels, and the new Switch Stars. Some of the minigames are fun as well. The smoother framerate and somewhat more fair game balance is also greatly appreciated, but there are still a lot of major objectives that take place over instant death pits and the meaningless lives system is still here. It's just a little strange to see this clashing of two very different game design eras.
Also SM64 DS came out 8 years after SM64, but SM64 DS itself is now 20 years old! Holy shit!

They remade Analog Stick: The Game without an analog stick...

Gostei do conteúdo novo, da adição de algumas fases novas, dos personagens jogáveis (luigi quebrado pra carai com aquele girinho no ar mt foda)

Os controles são uma mini tristeza, porém dá pra dar uma acostumada

Enjoyed the game and bonus content but you don't need to go out of your way to play this especially if you've played the N64 version, if you're gonna try the DS Remake, please play with the analog and c-stick hack (IT'S A GAME CHANGER) or this will be very unpleasant, also while I find Yoshi fun to play, why did they had to divide the good stuff between 4 characters? Don't want to play with stinky Wario at all

But I gotta admit the QOL features and mini-map make this the perfect way for someone young to the Mario franchise try a 3D one

mario 64 was already frustrating playing it on a ds was even worse

GooeyScale: 60/100

finally, a 3d platformer with WARIO!!!!

Great game, far better expanded than the original, but the main problem is the controls. I played it on the 3DS (wich has analogues), but still.

Mario 64 from the N64 suffered from its bad camera, but that's okay, coming from a 1996 game. I can't say the same from this one, since the camera and the controls are terrible.

It's a wonderful experience, but it can be really frustrating.

I beat this when I was like 7 and I got so excited that I fell off my bed and the game froze. I was distraught.

If it wasn't for it's horrible controls, this would be my favorite 3D Mario game.
And where is Waluigi?! Come on, Nintendo. Give our purple plumber boy a chance.

My 3DS says 46 minutes... I definitely played a ton of this. I'm not sure that I made much progress, but it was awesome to just roam around and play the minigames on road trips. I don't think there's ever been a better minigame collection.