Reviews from

in the past

Once I start with this game, is likely I wont stop for a long time. It drags me in and never lets go.

This is one of the best fantasy wrpg you will ever play. The amount of choices this game offers is so wide, it can appeal almost any kind of player that exists.

I would give it a perfect score if it wasn't because of the more time consuming mechanics it has, that only seem to artifically extend the game time. Also, there are some stuff that I loved from Oblivion that now are gone, like the unarmed skill tree. The swordplay plays more like a generic beat'em up instead of being more focused in timing and blocking, which feels less immersive. But those are minor complaints, since everything else is vastly improved.

A timeless game that never runs out of fun.

Nightingale armour changed my life

this game first came out when i was in the fifth grade and it's most recent re-release dropped a couple months after i turned 22. mods have carried this game for the overwhelming majority of its lifespan

It’s a good game stop trying to pretend it isn’t

It’s Skyrim, great replay value and so many fun quests to do. It’s amazing that I haven’t beat the main story still

i was really late to playing this for the first time so i don’t have any childhood/teenage nostalgia surrounding it yet i still agree this is one of the greatest games in the world. this shit was the blueprint for EVERYTHING. whenever i’m playing anything else open world i’m always like wow this is just like skyrim i should play skyrim again soon

Muy buen juego, el lore esta muy guapo, un montón de contenido secundario, el sistema de combate flaquea un poco, y lo mejor de este juego es la exploración sin duda alguna. El mayor problema, fuera de bugs y demás es que llegado un punto, no muy lejano al inicio, se hace bastante aburrido jugarlo, ya que siempre es lo mismo. Es un juego que tiene mucho contenido, lo cual me encanta, pero que no ha sido diseñado para disfrutar, de forma constante, durante todo el proceso de descubrir ese contenido.

Se retomará el platino cuando mi colega me vuelva a dejar el juego xD.


é inteiramente dificil explicar minha relação com skyrim. Fez parte da minha vida e de quem eu sou, mas com isso acabo percebendo que o efeito nostalgia é real. Mais de 1000 horas no xbox/pc me fizeram perceber que sem mods ele é um jogo vazio, mas um vazio que me acolheu.

Looking back at it now, the game is pretty mid. But with mods, the fun one can get from this game is practically unlimited

ive played this game 100 times and i still havent seen the ending because i just get caught up in some story side quest and get bored or i end up spending 3000 hours installing cute girl mods and then getting bored

could never get over the visuals.

It's 2024, and I've smashed through this behemoth of an RPG for the 25th time. Honestly, that really should be the full review. This janky-ass 100-hour RPG somehow always brings me back in. I always think I'm done. I've played it enough. I've spoken to my fill of dead-behind-the-eyes NPCs who knock an entire shelf of potions off the wall before turning to you and saying, "Need something?" But there's something about Skyrim; some special sauce that makes it so uniquely absorbing that everyone you meet has spent an inordinate amount of their teenage years grinding through it.

Because we can all admit that this game has flaws. If anything, it was the beginning of Bethesda growing into the studio it is today, which caters to a more mainstream audience and puts checklist world design and action above role-playing. There's no problem with that, but it's largely the reason I don't get along with their newer releases. I grew up with Oblivion and Fallout 3; I like when Bethesda's quests are involved and ask the player to make meaningful decisions, and Skyrim isn't that. I always remember the quest in Oblivion where you help the paranoid elf in Cheydinhal figure out if he's being spied on, so you scope through houses and spy on their residents and make your own mind up whether the elf is on one, his conspiracy theories have credence or, the best option, you're gonna mess with him to see what he does. And it rewards you for making that decision by spinning off into multiple routes. Skyrim doesn't have THAT quest.

Pretty much every mission devolves into finding a person pinpointed on your radar, speaking to them, the person awkwardly telling you to go find a magical McGuffin in a random cave, grabbing and bringing it back to them, and then getting a reward. The whole thing feels like 100 hours of fetch quests; there's no moment of substance that makes you question what you're doing, why you're doing it and, most importantly, what your character would do in this situation.

But underneath it all, there's this strange moreishness to Skyrim. It's not particularly the best version of anything, but the combination of all the things it offers somehow coalesces into easy, reliable, and fun immersion. The quests and the role-playing of it all doesn't matter. I'm playing the same ridiculously OP stealth archer that all of you played, and that's fine. Cause through exploring and existing in this very lax, forgiving icy plain, you just sort of end up falling in love with it. I do feel like I'm playing a character, and while the story and the quest design haven't enabled that, the decisions I'm making moment-to-moment are. Whether it's coming across a dingey cave off the beaten path that's full of scheming vampires or deciding to secretly assassinate the bartender at the Winking Skeever because he put a hit out on me for stealing a piece of cheese, the systems working in tandem are forming my character.

And from there, all of the stuff that's technically wrong just becomes part of its charm. Fuck it, I love the janky NPCs. I love it when I walk into someone's house, and Faendal turns to me and menacingly mutters, "You need to leave," like he suddenly owns this property and will beat me into submission for trespassing. I'm there for Gorbash the orc standing on a table and repeatedly shouting a one-line summary of his backstory and current personal problems at me. My favourite thing in the world is entering a pub and three NPCs are grooving out in sync to Ragnar the Red like the crab dance meme. Every flaw is a moment I cherish between my adventures.

What can I say? It's just the special sauce. It's the reason we all love a Bethesda RPG. When Todd and the boys are cooking, they are unparalleled at one thing: creating a world that feels like it exists when I'm not there, even if that's a world where people talk exclusively about their easily summarised life story and dragons, walk into objects they can't detect, and will kill a man stone cold dead for accidentally touching something they own. I can't deny there's a majesty in it, and to this day, there are very few games that have captured my heart like Skyrim has. In short, some may call it junk, but me, I call it a treasure <3

A classic. I have so many memories playing this on Xbox and I loved playing it on PC with mods. If you were to play it now with no nostalgia, it might be a bit rough. But it will always hold a special place in my library.

normal classic good fun game i really enjoyed

Sem mods é 1,5. Com mods é 5.

Played this game off my brothers Xbox originally but when I got this on my old PS3 I never got far but I liked the game alot tho like I can be a (relatively) sexy lizard or cat girl like hell yeah never made it farther than when you get the first shout since I always tried to kill all of whiterun and rob everything so good memories 8/10

jak w to grałem nie znałem języka angielskiego i nie potrafiłem tego przejść

I mean the game’s not good but sometimes I get a hankering to play it every once in a while and I boot it up for like an hour only to look up and see two weeks have passed

"Bethesda games without bugs are like angels without wings." - A friend

Easily the best game ever made. Essentially an engine for modders to tinker with now at the point it's at. Almost 1000 hours collectively between PC and console. I've had a love for this game since I was a little kid.

Lovely little game, would have been a 2 but the game allows you to completely ignore the story and go where you want, and with some pretty fun builds it has really good replayability.

Overall, oop I'm a stealth archer again.