Reviews from

in the past

While I had a tiny hope the series would make a good comeback after Sen (which I didn't like), with Kuro 1 being somewhat fresh even though it had some lows, Kuro 2 crushed this tiny hope, leaving nothing behind. I remember back in the day when Falcom had huge development problems with Sen 1 and 2 and the 3D transition. Kuro 2 shows that they haven't learned anything since then. Technology has evolved, but the way they manage their planning and are always at full throttle hasn't changed.

The best final boss the Kiseki series has ever given us. This game gets too much hate because of Act 3 and I do kind of get it, however, let's not act like Act 2 of Cold Steel 2 doesn't exist. I believe that Act 3 was fine overall because there were still a lot of good moments. Other than that, this game was amazing and I am excited to see how Falcom can topple the best final boss fight they've created for the next game.

that multiculturalism propaganda tho

how did they make a game WORSE than cold steel 4????

most dogshit scenario writing i have ever seen in a video game

The kiseki equivalent of KH Re:coded. Completely filler game, doesn’t need to exist, and the story puts me to sleep. Gameplay is pretty good though (Marchen Garten is awful) and connect events are awesome but man it’s just full of ups and downs. It is now my least favorite kiseki game and all I can do is hope Kai picks up the slack…