Reviews from

in the past

Wario World ended up being a lot of fun, but man, I wish it got a sequel that was able to expand on its ideas. Platforming is tight and snappy, just how I like it. Combat is incredibly simple but fun enough for what it is, and the game offers a pretty solid challenge towards the end in a way that reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine (which is great in my book). My main gripe is that I really wish Wario World had more enemy variety. By the end of the game you've seen the same mooks reskinned time and time again with no variation to their patterns, with some new guys sprinkled in on occasion.

Outside of that though, I found this game really fun and engaging. Good shit!

1. I am obsessed with Wario's constant one-liners in this game, they're amazing. Imagine being an NPC minding its own business and suddenly this moustached gremlin bursts into the room and throws you into a river while shouting "Have a rotten day!".

2. This game somehow manages to be kinda forgettable, while also being an absurdist Mario-Land-style fever dream. Like, we're in an era where even Mario was getting big scene-setting cutscenes to contextualize his adventures (Mario Sunshine), while Wario gets one single text scroll being like "IDK there's an evil gem or something?", and then is thrown into a jungle to punch crocodiles in nightgowns. Like, there's nothing to ground this game in logic or memory. It's the equivalent of someone shouting "VIDEO GAMES VIDEO GAMES VIDEO GAMES" in your ear for, like, five hours, and then leaving to never be seen ever again.

3. Wario World is not bad at all, but the second half of the game drags a bunch. The first couple of levels are very fast-paced and work very well as this very characterful beat-em-up game with mild puzzle elements, but I think that progressively increasing the health of the enemies and the complexity of puzzles as the game goes by ends up working to the game's detriment by slowing the pace way down.

This is not helped by the fact, that the game really tries to not kill the player often (which is fine), which means it mostly designs its enemies to have attacks that, rather than damaging Wario, slow him down. Most enemies in the later levels either have evasive abilities, or means to bounce Wario around in incredibly annoying ways. Completely breaking the fun flow of dashing and punching (which is less fine).

It never really gets "hard", but eventually it gets "long", and that's kinda worse.

[23/05, 17:54] V. Schmitz: Wario:
- tesouras pra prender na parede parte desgraçada
- luta final parece anjo ooo
[23/05, 17:55] V. Schmitz: E lembrou tbm as luta daquele joguin
[23/05, 18:04] V. Schmitz: Os bichinho dança no final
[23/05, 18:04] V. Schmitz: Era referência anjo msm and morreu as energia fez anéis

wario is my main inspiration unironically

Goofy game it’s so bad it’s good

I was in an abusive relationship with this game it hurt me

3D Wario Beat-em-up Platformer Developed By Fucking Treasure sounds far too good to be true, and unfortunately it kinda is, but there's still a bit of fun to be had here. It's kind of too repetitive and generic for its own good but honestly you can get a lot out of just enjoying Wario do stupid shit like piledrivers and unhinging his jaw like a cobra to suck up piles of money. Not long at all either. It's a bit of fun, but probably Treasure's worst game. Not the worst Wario though, that would go to Master of Disguise.