Reviews from

in the past

video game character: i am a video game character
15 year olds: this is life changing

Soon you reach the end of their journey: one filled with love, tears, jealousy, and many, many more emotions. Despite the world once seeming so one-dimensional, Y&M&H tosses and turns it in ways I haven’t seen in recent years. Never has a title made me question the morality in which players treat the characters whom set the stage since Spec Ops: The Line. Y&M&H pleads with you to stand firm with your choices, to understand the promises that were made throughout your playthrough, and to hold true the emotions felt.

I expected the second half to be a bit longer but oh my god this game is something else. Wouldn't say it's a masterpiece but it's great in what it's set to be. There's a scene that scared the shit out of me in a way a videogame didn't manage in a long time

cant believe i read cuck porn kms #miyuki tho

Wow visual novel community you sure did show those ddlc normies by uh checks notes reading cuck porn

i think its hard for me to value anything more than sincerity in a work. a sincerely expressed feeling or truth, or whatever, can get you a long, long way

honestly this thing is life changing

Que juego tan devastador. Sin problemas entra en mi top 3 de Visual Novels Favoritas, rompiendo la cuarta pared mucho antes de DDLC.
Solo tengo algunas trabas con el juego, siento que en ocasiones es demasiado edgy. Hay algunas cosas que pasan que genuinamente me hicieron sentir mal IRL, pero yo se que ese es el cometido del juego, y lo logro con creces. Es necesario jugarlo totalmente blind, sin saber casi nada, para disfrutarlo aun mas. hay ciertos plot-twists que pegan como camión. Yo saque el final de Aoi y me pareció muy bonito. honrare los deseos de Shinichi y no veré los demás finales, me quedare con el que saqué. A seguir jugando mas Visual Novels, Nos vemos Aoi.

something something ddlc but good something something cuck porn something something long live shimokura vio