Reviews from

in the past

john dead space and isaac clarke should smooch

Te aprieta hasta que no puedes más, me encanta cómo lleva las zonas más de miedo

must've been pretty fucking embarassing to be capcom when this dropped, they were trying so hard to innovate on RE's new gameplay style and hitting walls at every step putting out the worst games in the series, meanwhile DS2 is out here effortlessly expanding on the survival action horror format in so many fun ways. Pretty much every aspect of the first game has been improved on massively, it looks better, plays better, sounds better, the story is better, it's far more tense and exciting and every mechanic feels smoother and more polished. Full of unique and distinct environments with fun gimmicks, from the claustrophobic intro scenes to the beautifully designed Unitology Church to the trap-filled ANTI section to the relentless tension of the last chapter that barely leaves room to breathe. It's easy to see why this is is considered such a classic. I do still have my issues with this game; I think the core combat, progression and enemy designs are almost identical to Dead Space 1, and I never really felt the need to experiment with the different weapons. Tiedemann and Dana also continue the series trend of extremely unmemorable human villains, which lets down the plot in places (although Nicole's presence is consistently creepy and enjoyable). Still, this was a blast to play, it's a shame I've heard only bad things about Dead Space 3 because this was clearly a franchise with a lot of potential.

I would've closed my eyes Clarke, you stupid idiot

Отличный сиквел который делает больше упор на экшен, нежели на хоррор, но тем не менее игра не перестаёт держать в напряжении. Добавили новые виды оружия, расширив арсенал почти в два раза, новые виды некроморфов, к некоторым из которых требуется определённая тактика. В отличии от оригинальной первой части, боёвка стала пошустрее, за счёт чего рукопашный бой стал приятнее, а урон ощутимее. Пожалуй лучшая часть серии.

En mi opinión, uno de los mejores de género. Sin embargo, ahora que lo volví a jugar años después de la última vez, no puedo evitar notar ciertos detalles que hicieron que partes del juego fueran algo tediosas para mí, en especial el uso excesivo de los "raptores" en varios niveles cuando realmente no eran necesarios. También el problema del Ubermorph (el inmortal) al que le pasa lo mismo que al Tyrant de RE2make: después de un rato, ya es un puto fastidio estar lidiando con él. Eso sí, la historia y los pocos personajes son una joya y el hecho de que la idea es Isaac tratando de dejar ir a Nicole mientras que la Marker usa eso para controlarlo y hacer lo que quiera, deja un twist fantástico.

Que jogo foda, depois do primeiro game pensava que iria piorar pois já vi gente reclamando das sequências e estão enganados, o segundo game conseguiu me prender na história, e a gameplay não é tão ruim quanto pensava, simplesmente uma sequência boa.

entre los 3 principales de la saga, este es mi favorito por el enfoque mas a la accion pero sin olvidar la atmosfera opresiva de los