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Eu já esperava 2 cenários na minha experiência com Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes: A primeira seria que a nostalgia dos antigos Final Fantasy me empolgasse para que eu seguisse no game e a segunda que minha volta aos JRPGs de turno mais "simplificados" em tese não me engajassem tanto. Infelizmente foi a segunda opção que venceu.

Sendo o sucessor espiritual de Suikoden, no qual eu nunca joguei, o game é bem interessante e até tem mecânicas legais como o auto battle, Interações com os cenários durante as boss fights e ótima direção de arte e gráfico 3D dos cenários que se misturam bem com a pixel art dos personagens, algo reincidente do game que antecede ele.

Porém, falando sobre seu antecessor, a quebra de ritmo e dialogos desnecessários se mantém presente e os personagens e o protagonista até 5 horas de gameplay são bem genéricos e nada explorados.

Como pretendo manter o gamepass por mais tempo, assim como o Alan Wake devo pegar para jogar em breve de novo, mais uma vez será por questão de prioridade também, já que o game é sim convidativo para mim pelo número de personagens jogáveis que lembra muito os jobs de FF. Ainda sim, vou priorizar meu início na Saga de Dragon Age no qual eu queria começar a tempos e ter jogado um game RPG de turno me deu bastante gatilho para experimentar outro game de RPG porém tático que é o primeiro FF Tactics (joguei apenas os advance) Talvez seja por questão de preferência minha pelo gênero tático mesmo. Portanto, vai ficar para uma próxima.

Giving up on this - probably the biggest disappointment I've had with a game in a long time. Everything about it is so unbearably slow, everything feels so archaic in a it's a 'classic JRPG' but in all the worst ways possible. It needs a hell of a lot of balance and QOL changes before it resembles anything like a decent game, and it's very clear it was released half-baked. The story isn't particularly engaging, but it's the painfully slow gameplay that's really turned me off it, particularly sections that involve 'take 2 steps here, cutscene, fight, take 2 steps, cutscene, fight' repeated ad nauseum, which is made worse by the fact that all dialogue and animations take about 3 seconds longer than they should to finish.

I do feel like there's a great game in here somewhere, but it's such a chore to get through that I'd rather put it down and consider coming back to it in the future if they manage to make some serious adjustments.

As an avid JRPG enthusiast, this game scratched all the itches I could have ever asked for from the spiritual successor to Suikoden. It's a bit rough around the edges at times, but it's more than charming enough, and the pacing is more than acceptable. I've heard a lot of complaints about it being too similar to Suikoden, but at the end of the day if the spiritual successor to Suikoden WASNT like Suikoden it would have been dead in the water.

It's a great experience, enjoyable story, and nostalgic throwback. All with maybe TOO much side content.

It's a worse Suidoken, with a bad English translation, a moron Main "Character," and snail-like gameplay (this is a turn-based JRPG btw). Wait for a hard sale if you're even interested at all (under $20)

As a backer and a big fan of the Suikoden games I was super excited for this. In many ways it feels straight from the early Suikoden days of 1 and 2 which I found to be good and maybe not so great. There were much QoL and felt like of the era(which I normally love) but it felt odd in places. I didn't mind the localization though at times the dialogue would be a bit cringe but nothing on a Working Designs level.

As for my biggest complaint about the game are the bugs, while most I got through okay there was a soft lock I encountered literally 3 hours before the ending and had to go back to a save hours before it. It pulled me out of the game as by this point the story finally got me. I struggled at times to get into the story and only about half way did it start to get a bit interesting.

Still I was able to enjoy the game despite its flaws and the amount of love that went into this is felt. If there's one thing it really did for me was want to go back and replay the Suikoden games.

Outro jogo que me surpreendeu demais.
Não conhecia a franquia mais adorei o jogo.
Parece que o jogo é enorme e o melhor. Tudo em portugues.
História envolvendo e luta empolgante.

This review contains spoilers

Story - It was solid overall but suffered from a few design choices to make recruits/chests/enemies etc unmissable, which I think the recruits should just be moved around if a location needs to be locked off and they don’t want them to be missable. Without going into detail/spoiling anything, there are a few locations at times (like all Suikodens) that should be locked off for story impact but aren’t, and that hurts the writing for me at the time. But on the plus side, you can go back and get stuff you missed at any point. If you can pretend that story-wise you aren’t supposed to be there, it works, but it’s weird otherwise.

Other than that, the story overall is decent but I wouldn’t rate it above Suiko 2/3/5. It works out and has some neat twists but just works out being decent for me.

Music – It’s serviceable, some pieces are really good (all versions of Flags of the Brave), and a few later themes which I don’t know the names of yet, but overall, it’s okay.

Gameplay – Most of my gripes go here. Combos are one of the worst aspects of this game, and it’s sad considering it’s one of my favorite things in the Suikoden games. In Suiko you can activate them on turn 1. In this game you have to have the required SP(party starts randomly with SP, normally you need to wait a turn or two before using a combo, already making them not too great imo, most mobs die by then) to activate them, AND their power is divided by the amount of characters taking part in them. Most of the time the combos are weaker than if you just used regular attacks. I really hope R&B rebalance these and do away with the dividing part of the calculations, cus it really butchers them. I can deal with SP being required, but it’s overkill with the dividing mechanic.

Minigames – As a whole, I enjoyed the minigames and thought they were pretty fun, some super silly scenes during Beigoma. My biggest issue would be locking recruits behind nearly finishing the minigames. I personally didn’t mind since I aimed for it already, but that’s going to rub people the wrong way on getting the best ending. Especially the cooking game being bugged still, and only accepting appetizers as options for 17 battles before you get your recruit is asking a lot lol.

War Battles – At first glance it feels new, but the more I played with them, the more I realized it was a watered-down version of Suikoden 2’s war battles. The map was worse vs what we had seen in 2, battle skills worked similarly, as did a bit of the rng factor? – though you could buff war units eventually in the HQ to make it in your favor. They work for the story so I wouldn’t mind them overall, just wish they had a speed up option as it suffered in comparison. I personally would rank these below all of the Suikoden war battles, serviceable but need improvement.

Graphics / Presentation – Overall this is the games strongest suit for me. 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds, with some excellent battle scenes playing out quite often absolutely nailed it, and I feel it completely passed Suikoden in all regards here. The duels are handled the best that I’ve seen so far, their presentation blew my expectations, and I cant wait to see what the sequel does here.

As a whole, very solid game and definitely worth your time. I hope to see the remaining bugs fixed shortly, and really hope they patch combo mechanics because as is it’s depressingly bad.

I ain't writing a a whole review for this one but let the record show my title would have been "One Hundred Heroes, One Note Each" and I think that would've gone hard

- dam this game it's too slow -
intente jugarlo pero me parece insufrible que sea demasiado lento aun que sea un juego rpg.
me parece que es muy lindo y se nota que esta hecho con bastantes ganas pero simplemente no puedo con él.

That's it for Eiyuden Chronicles.
After 52 hours, the credits rolled on a mostly great JRPG. Unfortunately, a lot of bugs really spoiled the game for me and I now had to complete it without recruiting all 120 characters.
I don't know whether I should blame it on "the small studio", but something like that shouldn't happen, especially in a game in which the main part is collecting the figures.
What I now remember positively is the bombastic soundtrack (especially the sung ending song), the fantastic voice actors, the nostalgic feel of the game (turn-based battles finally back) and the graphics that are bursting with love.
I hope the game is successful and we see a highly polished successor in a few years.


Das war es mit Eiyuden Chronicles.
Nach 52 Stunden lief der Abspann zu einem größtenteils großartigen JRPG.
Leider haben mir viele Bugs das Spiel ordentlich vermiest und ich musste nun, ohne alle 120 Charaktere zu rekrutieren, abschließen.
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es "dem kleinen Studio" in die Schuhe schieben soll, aber gerade bei einem Spiel, in dem der Hauptpart das Sammeln der Figuren ist, darf sowas nicht passieren.
Was mir jetzt positiv in Erinnerung bleibt, ist der bombastische Soundtrack (besonders der gesungene End Song), die fantastischen Synchronsprecher, das nostalgische Spielgefühl (endlich wieder rundenbasierte Kämpfe) und die vor Liebe strotzende Grafik.
Ich hoffe, das Spiel wird erfolgreich und wir sehen in einigen Jahren einen top polierten Nachfolger.

I did enjoy this game. I don’t want to imply I didn’t. Collecting heroes and town building was very fun. The story seemed kind of….low stakes? Not sure a better way to describe it. The 3 main heroes were very bland. I did enjoy the combat and way sp/mp was handled. Magic is an expensive resource and it should be because of how strong it is. I got locked out of ONE character, which I think is a great accomplishment without using a guide. The music was very boring, can’t recall one song that stuck in my head.

Estava curtindo muito
Realmente é um jogo para fã de JRPG clássicos, incluindo burocracias da época. Definitivamente não é para todos.

Só tem dois grandes problemas nesse jogo. O primeiro é a localização americana terrível que alterou diálogos completamente e a tradução brasileira que não só manteve as alterações como foi incapaz de compreender expressões básicas, traduzindo-as ao pé da letra.

O outro problema foi que em 14 horas de jogo, eu tomei um softlock após resolver um puzzle e dair da sala para salvar.

Ainda bem que os pontos positivos desse jogo são numerosos, porque esses dois pontos negatívos são bem pesados.

Espero que lancem um patch que me permita voltar e terminar.

O jogo é legal, tem uma certa personalidade apesar de ser claramente inspirado em Suikoden, entretanto eu esperava um pouco mais. Em muitos momentos eu fiquei desinteressado na história e também o fato de ter tantos personagens, dificulta a identificação com a maioria deles. Um bom jogo, mas nada marcante.