Reviews from

in the past

I played the GBA remakes of the first two games, and I tried to play the DS remake of this one, but the controls gave me a headache. So I played the original, and I enjoyed it somewhat!

For me this was the hardest one in the series so far, and I had to do hours of grinding throughout the game. I had to grind over 10 levels to prepare for the final couple of areas.

Other than that it's a lot better than it's predecessors, especially when it comes to the world. It's huge in comparison, and just a lot more fleshed out and interesting. The dungeon layouts are also just way better. They're a lot more linear, and they rely more on hidden paths for the optional stuff. The random encounters feel less annoying thanks to this. This game is alright!

the best NES JRPG in my opinion, super fun and basically FF5 before FF5 (i gave this one 5 stars compared to the remakes because of how much it did on the NES, but i think the remakes are just as great)

My favorite of the Famicom titles. The Pixel Remaster is great, far better than the DS remake.

Version Pixel Remaster sur PC, redécouverte après la catastrophique version PC hérité de celle de la DS, la version originale est vraiment agréable et le plot même si éludé, reste très cool !