Reviews from

in the past

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Realmente um dos jogos já feito, muito bom, simplesmente fantástico...

Zerei com quase 62hrs, nivel 99, o coitado do Sephiroth apanhou bonito no final.

nah, desculpa, eu não vou zerar isso por agora não. lento pra caralho, e eu quero jogar fallout 4 logo.

Ich muss zugeben, ich hatte den siebten Teil besser in Erinnerung. Dieser Teil enthält für meinen Geschmack ein paar Minispiele zu viel. Die Steuerung selbiger (z. B. Motorrad- oder Snowboard-Spiel) ist für heutige Verhältnisse einfach nur Grütze.

Die Story an sich ist immer noch sehr gut und heute auch aktuell wie nie (Thema "Ausbeutung des Planeten"), das will ich dem Spiel nicht absprechen.

Wenn man sich das Spiel heute auf dem PC (oder dem Steam Deck) geben will, empfehle ich dringend "7th Heaven" ("7th Deck" auf dem SD), um Grafik, Videos, FPS usw. aufzubohren.

Oh my god, I love Final Fantasy VII.

This game's story is so dense. Within 30 hours you feel as though you've watched 5 seasons of an anime. And for as clunky as it can often be, I adore it. Themes of identity, a strong pro-environment message, wrapped in a found family bow.

It's endlessly loveable, and the story still manages to carry weight despite being carried out by characters that you can count the polygons on.

Unfortunately it has random encounters.

jogaço, primeiro final fantasy que jogo pra valer, gostei de tudo, historia, personagens, inclusive os opcionais, trilha sonora maravilhosa, só esperava um pouco mais da batalha final para ser sincero

Top 3 worst ATB implementation I played thru. Don't get me wrong, the narrative is good and I like some of the characters but the game is so slow turn to turn when it comes to bosses esp Seph.

Waiting here playing my thumbs for the next move to come out.

Menos memes, más jugar al juego, carajo.