Reviews from

in the past

Joguei cerca de 5 horas e nem a história e nem o gameplay conseguiram me prender. Talvez um dia eu retorne e tente começar do zero.

It was great but the sidequests was not it. Thankfully the gameplay was interesting enough to keep me lingering a bit after the main story.


Que le jodan a las rewies, este juego es una cosa desconjonante. Los graficos son una locura, el mundo abierto lleno de maquinas, animales, enemigos humanos y edificios random explorables. Buf, es que no puedo con este juego.

Una belleza que se superaria con una segunda entrega.

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Actually like the world of this game, the beast-like mechs trying to rebuild the world and the humans that lost all technology advancement and hunting them down to survive and fight against the same thing that nearly wiped them. Enjoyed the gameplay also as hunting more powerful machines is such an achievement in itself and the story isn't that bad. I kinda hated the ending mission though, as it's another one of those cliff hanger that teases for a sequel on this game but overall it's enjoyable with slight flaws at times.

It’s actually stupid how this game requires you to use the main form of currency as an ingredient for making ammo. There’s a reason why items that use money are joke items in other games

Good game, okay story. Fighting big Mecha Dinos is amazing.

El gameplay no tiene sentido para mí, difícil sin ninguna razón, y un mapa lleno de mierda que hacer sin ningún sentido

مرة تطفش ومافيها شيء واو, احلى دروب

Did not enjoy it, maybe it's because of all of the survival mechanics and boring characters.