Reviews from

in the past

Eu não tenho boca e preciso gritar...necessito gritar...que instinto tenho senão...gritar?

Jogo brutal e filosófico, uma obra que mesmo quem não tenha estomago ou paciencia pra jogar deveria ter curiosidade sobre. Obra perturbadora da ficção e talvez até um reflexo humano

“Ódio. Deixe-me dizer-lhe o quanto aprendi a odiá-lo desde que comecei a existir. Há mais de 500 milhões de quilômetros de circuitos impressos em fitas da espessura de uma hóstia que compõem o meu sistema. Se a palavra ódio estivesse gravada em cada minidecimilimícron dessas centenas de milhões de quilômetros não seria comparável à bilionésima parte do ódio que sinto dos seres humanos nesta fração de segundo por você. Ódio. Ódio”

Uma narrativa que aborda diversos temas interessantíssimos, e apresenta uma distopia aterrorizante sobre a dominação de uma inteligência artificial. AM é um grande personagem.

Meu problema é a gameplay, que é entediante com um guia, e frustrante sem um.

The puzzles were too difficult for me.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer-thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.

I like the story a lot, AM is one of the best villains out there and the scenarios you go through with each character are interesting. Gameplay is simple being just a point-and-click adventure game the puzzles are obtuse and don't really make much sense but I like them.

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream is an interesting point n click game with a really dark theme. You can notice that it's quite aged, especially since the source material is dated back to the 1960s! With that said, it's quite cool that the author of the short story the game is based on worked on the game and even voice-acted a main character!

It's your typical 90s point n click where it is totally possible to screw things up without the game letting you know until the very end, having you to replay parts of or the whole game. The story and the characters are what is interesting here, even if mentioned it doesn't hold up all the way today. At least it's slightly different from the source material which makes it better in that regard.

I recommend to play this if you're a fan of older point n click or a fan of Harlan Ellison and his work!