Reviews from

in the past

I enjoyed the variety of mechanics, and the way some of the puzzles seem somewhat open ended.

Unfortunately the game just feels unfinished, with a bunch of hint toward puzzles that don't yet exist. I was happy to explore the world and search for all the puzzles, but was left unsatisfied by the amount of notes I took that didn't end up mattering.

The Polynesian theme feels pretty fresh, it's just a shame the story elements feels somewhat shallow.

I liked it. I was quite done with it by the time credits rolled but overall I am glad I played it.

I think that the puzzles were well made and tight early on and got looser and sloppier the later in the game you went. By the end, the mix of powers and types of terrain and blocks etc made it so I felt I was constantly solving stuff in unintended ways. Don't feel the need to 100% it.

Isles of Sea and Sky is a retro, Zelda-inspired adventure game where instead of fighting monsters.. you solve Sokoban puzzles. It's a fantastic combination. A genre that makes you want to explore - and a gameplay mechanic that is entirely about figuring out how. This is combined with metroidvania style elements where new "powers" change existing puzzle rooms and encourages non-linear exploration. IOSAS also fills its world with clever hidden secrets that add a second layer to the puzzle solving and feel fantastic to uncover.

This is a real gem of a game.