Reviews from

in the past

Besides the obvious this is a porn game, the game is a really neat and difficult RPG, with a lot of mechanics that include managing the prison and the upgrades.
You can complete a level, beating the boss and everything, then go to another, have to sleep due to low stamina and then blam the fuckers revolted again and you have to spend a day just going through that floor again to regain control.
It's an impressive game overall.
The porn is pretty hardcore and you'll get negative permanent perks easily if you keep getting harassed or actively becoming a bitch. There is a bitch build too but it sucks unless you know exactly how to build it, and the battles last longer cuz they expect you to masturbate while playing I guess.
The minigames are also nice, although most of them are just for the porn sake. The bar one is great, the bathroom one isn't, the poledancing one is okay, the gym one is pretty bad and the front door one is just boring. Even then every minigame is used for management purposes and can help to avoid a revolt or get extra money to not get bankrupt.
This game shares the title of "most intrincately surprising system mishmash i've seen" with Kenshi, which is a high praise from me.
The star is for how balatantly porn the game is. You didn't need to make the boobs that big it's kind of uncomfortable to play.