Reviews from

in the past

“Nós vivemos em uma sociedade em que as pessoas acham mais natural violência nos jogos do que uma trepadinha esperta. “ - Joker, o Coringa

Joguei por fins educacionais.

Papo reto? Tem mais cuidado colocado na sua ludonarrativa aqui do que na maioria dos JRPGs que já joguei. A forma como o jogo bem gradualmente trata a personalidade da protagonista ficando progressivamente mais libertina, e como isso influencia e é influenciado por todos os sistemas (base-building, combate, diálogo, narrativa, side-games) é honestamente um exemplo de design a se seguir: nunca vi um nível de noção de sua própria proposta e coesão sistêmica assim em um JRPG, muito menos em um jogo hentai de RPGMaker. Você não só consegue montar uma build pra ganhar os combates deixando os inimigos exaustos (rs), quanto a forma como as árvores de habilidades são liberadas são coerentes com as ações da personagem e a evolução sistêmica de suas consequências.

A quem estou enganando? Straight to horny jail.

Super deep for an eroge. Also pretty damn funny.

i like boobies also the writing, flow, art, and vibe of this game is surprisingly good. it genuinely feels like a classic rpg game you would find on the old Nintendo DS

Came for the porn
Stayed for the combat (which is also porn)

shoutouts to titillation but yeah very weirdly one of the smartest and most enjoyable rpg experiences I've ever played???

'weird'? is it weird? Is it really that uncommon for a ‘porno’ game like this to be so mechanically dense and thought provoking? Maybe, maybe not! Perhaps I just have a lot left to wise up on if an experience like this can be so engrossing despite also owning what I assumed to be nothing more than a smutty subject matter. Had a bit of an awakening with this one! Silly as it sounds~

The sexual theming just made for so many engaging gameplay opportunities! The management game and sheer number of variables to play around were dizzying... I must admit I was stunned. Granted you may need to be a biiiit of a degenerate to overcome the aesthetics behind this anime "battlefuck" experience. But I’d say if you’ve got the (FORE)skin for it, you’ll be surprised witnessing just how deep and weirdly wholesome(???????) this shit can go.......

IT DOES KINDA SUCK THO that optimal play in the day planning/ability-tree fuckery can devolve into LIL CRAZY a grind. There's a looot of potential repeats of the same battles and mini-games over and over if you happen to fall into a bad rut. BUT EVEN SOOOO... the decision-making fun you still end up with... those resource limits and many GAME ENDING situations to overcome... MAN, fighting against that REAL pressure of failure and working towards the goals you want is still just SO damn ENGAGING and EMPOWERING! I can’t help but look past some of the wrinkles... And hey - provided you don't let your girl Karryn get too horny in combat and aren't always getting horribly FUCKED every turn, YA KNOW IT AIN'T ALL TOO BAD DEALING WITH THE EXTREME GRIND POTENTIAL BULLSHIT. The DIAMOND I can occasionally see in this one is just too great to let be obscured, man!!!!!!!!

tldr sometimes you just wanna give an orc fucker a handjob to stop his spread of buffs to the enemy party....... Ya gotta understand!!!

not enough dom shit tho. that does kinda hurt it tho truly

Besides the obvious this is a porn game, the game is a really neat and difficult RPG, with a lot of mechanics that include managing the prison and the upgrades.
You can complete a level, beating the boss and everything, then go to another, have to sleep due to low stamina and then blam the fuckers revolted again and you have to spend a day just going through that floor again to regain control.
It's an impressive game overall.
The porn is pretty hardcore and you'll get negative permanent perks easily if you keep getting harassed or actively becoming a bitch. There is a bitch build too but it sucks unless you know exactly how to build it, and the battles last longer cuz they expect you to masturbate while playing I guess.
The minigames are also nice, although most of them are just for the porn sake. The bar one is great, the bathroom one isn't, the poledancing one is okay, the gym one is pretty bad and the front door one is just boring. Even then every minigame is used for management purposes and can help to avoid a revolt or get extra money to not get bankrupt.
This game shares the title of "most intrincately surprising system mishmash i've seen" with Kenshi, which is a high praise from me.
The star is for how balatantly porn the game is. You didn't need to make the boobs that big it's kind of uncomfortable to play.

As an RPG is pretty complex an entertaining.
As a sex game is slow and confusing.

This game is the first rpgmaker H-game to do something truly innovative and engaging with its combat and sex scenes. that being said the writing serves its purpose but wont wow you. The writing has no interest in exploring any kind of story not related to the eroticism of the work, which actually does not work to the detriment of a game so mechanically dense. continued developer support and workshop also contribute to the replayability of the game, which is already quite good. The games attitude toward consent is a bit messy as the mechanics give the idea that the player character must want something for it to happen to her, while the writing of the character herself has her state her non-consent.
genuinely one of the best hrpgm experiences out there, so long as you're into ambiguous and/or non-consent.

Uhh... not gonna elaborate and not taking any questions on this one

Not bad, it's yet another hentai RPG depicting a heroine's fall into sluttyness . They are pretty deep in general, all things considered, and this is no exception. Now that I think about it the game is very close to Celesphonia: the prison and the memories, the control and order mecanics,... Corruption doesn't play as big a role but still, bizarre. Anyway, it's interesting.