Reviews from

in the past

They just don't give a shit anymore, do they?

This game simply has nothing to offer. Yeah, it can be fun to play with friends, but there is so little content that it's not even worth it.

- Only three dream events, one of them has nothing to do with Mario or Sonic (These used to be the whole point of these games).
- Story mode is just whatever.
- Characters exclusive to specific events...WHY?!
- The alternate retro events gimmick doesn't even cover a quarter of all the events in the whole game, and you can't play said retro events with all the characters, only SOME of them. This makes sense for certain characters I guess...but then..........WHY DO IT AT ALL IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FULLY COMMIT TO THE IDEA?!
- Zavok is in the game.

This game sucks, just stop making them if you are not gonna put any effort into this shit. It's not like anyone cares that much anyway.