Reviews from

in the past

Great idea, toxic playerbase. I'd only recommend this if you have a private server with a community of people who aren't total assholes

it was okay to play with a group of friends but u start as some ugly bald guy or something and cant make yourself cute so i cant reccomend it. the most fun i had was trying to build a giant sign to spray paint an anime girl onto but someone kept running by and spray painting all over it with a giant dick so it was annoying.

The correct way to play this is joining PVE servers where people are actually friendly and build near each other, forming little towns and setting up shops & services etc. it's so nice 🥰 Never touch PVP unless you want to be sad or angry.

Fucking hate these offline raiders. Good game anyways.

The only good thing about this game is the variable dong size. Perpetually online characters is the worst innovation in gaming history.

this game upsets me sometimes