Reviews from

in the past

I originally played this on release and didn't think it was terrible. I originally thought it was like a 7/10. But now thinking back on it, it's definitely not a 7. Very overhated? Yes. But still pretty bad. Still a pretty fun looter shooter nonetheless. King Shark and The Flash carried Icl.


A introdução é legal e a apresentação dos herois também.
A reclamação é sempre quanto a repetição de tudo no jogo e como vbai ficando massante.
Se vale a pena se for realmente uma boa promoção.

this is one of those games that i loved, but recognise its not that good.

but i did love it, and think that (personally) it solos Avengers, Guardians and Gotham Knights, which at the end of the day is just another dub for the ArkhamVerse OOH-RAH

the story can be fun with friends at times but overall this shit is ass.

Abysmal. Haven’t touched it since. Only saving grace is the decent graphics and occasionally funny witticisms.

It's not a "terrible" game, I mean it obviously had a large budget and some time was put into it. Is it going to be for the vast majority of people? I don't think so. It's a looter shooter or whatever they call them now, loot kill loot kill, and keep unlocking weapons that make ur last weapon feel useless. It's an endless cycle of repetition that goes nowhere. The story was kind of neat though, and the graphics are awesome. Just don't pay full price for this, or even half price.

Honestly game got a lot of unwarranted hate. Gameplay is fun, the characters control different from each other. The story hits and most importantly. This game shits on GK. Thank God it isn't complete trash like that title. I will admit the endgame is a problem but lets talk our way there. So The gameplay loop is satisfying. The combat/killing feels rewarding and I love how different everyone feels. I bounce between all four characters but I main Harley and King Shark the most.

I know a lot of people complain about the UI being all over the place but tbh it doesn't bother me too much considering you can turn most of it off & the gameplay is so crazy and chaotic the UI doesn't really phase me. I'm too busy trying to stay alive and kill everything with the amount of shit happening. As for the performance? I can get 60 fps on native 4k with mostly high settings I do have to turn 1-2 settings to medium. However the thermals are up there. So not a well optimized game but in this day and age unfortunately that's very common and at least I am able to actually hit target frames without the use of DLSS or dynamic resolution.

As a long time arkham fan its crazy for me to admit it but the story is not bad at all. I actually liked the plot a lot with exception to a certain boss fight that should have been handled different even if they did that since the boss in question would body the Suicide squad on a straight up fight. Nonetheless I felt some type of way being forced to put down my beloved heroes one by one because that was the only way to save the day. Bats himself wouldn't have had it any other way. I know people wanted a JL game but we can still get one. They can always do prequels that lead up to this moment and possibly flashpoint it later in order to restore the TL. However that's the end of my praise for this game and its story as the endgame is terrible. It consists of literally grinding the same 5 missions over & over again for better loot (terrible rng btw) and to raise your mastery enough to get better rewards. It seems this repeats with each episode. That alongside forcing live service is the fatal flaw of this game as it did take away from the game significantly, introduced an abysmal grind, ruining endgame and resulted in things like a goddamn battlepass in a SP title.

So excluding the endgame I will recommend this title (on a sale) with the endgame included I would not unless you aren't planning to go too deep into it. As another reviewer once said "This game is kinda like DCUO but as a single player/co op experience instead of a mmo" They really hit the nail on the head and its probably why I do enjoy this game as I am a DCUO fan.

Bin ich eingeschnappt, weil sie Brucie mit Füßen getreten haben? Aber Hallo! Aber auch wenn man das Vermächtnis von Batman und den Arkham Spielen außen vorlässt, ist die Handlung nicht gut. Hier und da ein paar nette Witze, aber der Rest, aiaiai. Und dann hört das Spiel auf, aber die Handlung ist zu keinem Punkt abgeschlossen. Live Service, geilooo! Aber auch abseits der Handlung, ist das Gameplay so repetitiv und eintönig, da wird ja sogar Ubisoft neidisch. Und wenn eine neue Season dann nur mehr dieser Eintönigkeit mit sich bringt, nur mit einer anderen Optik, ja dann will ich das Spiel ja nur mit jeder weiteren Season noch weniger spielen wollen. Lieber die Arkham Trilogie zum hundertsten Mal durchspielen.

WB Games, I fucking get it; you forced Rocksteady to make a live-service game. Stop reminding me after every mission.