Reviews from

in the past

All the sounds and art and music are amazing. If TMNT is your favorite thing ever, you're eating good with this game because with all the references and side characters packed in it meant the game was filled with stuff I recognized and stuff that seemed very obscure. It wasn't as creative with the mechanics as some of the new beat em ups I've played nor was it really challenging at all, but this is easily one of the best out there. 10/10 presentation.

I could have used a bit more characters. Casey Jones unlocking after you beat the game is like, what? I'm done now. And this game doesn't seem to have the replayability to get another playthrough out of me. I see there's some DLC for more characters, but more levels as well would have done wonders for adding replayability into the game.

Sequel, please!

I have played both the Switch and the PC versions of this game. I will be talking about the Switch version since that is the one I have played the most.

This game is probably the best beat 'em up I've played. Good controls, great animation, great presentation, great music; the gameplay is fun and addictive, there are plenty of secrets and different optional collectables, and I felt like the difficulty in this one was a lot more balanced than in the Scott Pilgrim game for example.

I love that there are so many different characters that you can play as, as well as the fact that you can play with up to five other people, which is insane. I can only imagine how chaotic and how much of a blast it must be to play this game with five friends...Unfortunately I don't have that many irl friends that visit me that often and are willing to sit down with me to play this game.

There is also the option to play online with strangers but it's not the same really; plus, I'm very socially anxious and I don't know how to just use the voice chat while playing with people that I don't even know.

On that topic, I did once manage to get at least four other friends to play with me locally...However, it was very clear that the Switch just could not handle that many people playing this game at the same time...Which is a MASSIVE issue when that is the whole point.

I didn't test this online and I just stopped playing one day because I don't like to play these kind of games alone; but I do want to revisit this game one day, with at least one more friend.

It's an amazing game and you should play it. Only 4 stars and a half for the Switch version, but it deserves a 5 otherwise.

The perfect beat em up doesn't exi-.

For what it is, basically a perfect game. Takes everything awesome about the original games and modernizes them. Beat em ups have never felt this good. Plus just the presentation just oozing charm, there's straight up hip hop songs that rock in the soundtrack! I fell so in love with this game and I can easily see myself playing more to get more achievements.

Completed the main story and have maxed out all characters, including DLC characters. Have not finished DLC content yet.

A great time, no real replay value but good fun with friends!