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in the past

if this was called dead cells 2 y'all would be giving it 10s lol.
this, basically, IS dead cells 2, just with another title, because afaik evil empire doesnt have the rights for the trademark now. I don't even know if I should be happy with it or not. Dead cells has been ruined for more than 3 years now (and is staying the same) and I don't know who am I supposed to blame.

oh my fucking god they added armor from hades. Armor. On enemies. From hades. In hades, armor is a crutch for infinite enemy stunlocking. In this game, it's a crutch for... kicking enemies into walls? Why the fuck is it here. It was bad even in hades, here it's just... enemies aren't stunlockable here, they can counterattack... why

Full preview here (Dutch):

It is clear that The Rogue Prince of Persia takes a completely different approach than The Lost Crown, and so far, it has been successful. Despite still being in Early Access, the game already offers enough to keep players engaged, and the impressive art style and an even more impressive soundtrack elevate the already proven gameplay to a higher level. While PC players can already enjoy this early version, console players will unfortunately have to wait until 2025. But rest assured, this is a promising title to look forward to.

Türe çok hakim değilim fakat oyunun çok fena olmadığını söyleyebilirim. Hem görsel açıdan hem de oynanış içeriği bakımından yeterince başarılı duruyor. Zaten Dead Cells'i yapan ekip tarafından yapılan bir oyun olduğunu da düşünürsek muhtemelen bir çok Rogue-Like seven tarafından da beğenilecektir. Prince of Persia ismini taşıması konusunda çok da bir yorum yapmak istemiyorum. Muhtemelen Prince of Persia oyunlarını sürekli olarak böyle göreceğiz gibi gözüküyor. Elbette bu oyunların Prince of Persia evreni ile çok da bir alakası yok ama yinede Ubisoft'un Prince of Persia markasının fişini temelli çekmemesi iyi hissettiriyor. Belki bu oyunlar ileri zamanlarda AAA kalitede bir Prince of Persia oyunu görmemizi sağlar. İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın

I got this game for free, but it was great!

How was it possible to achieve micro-freezes with such graphics, jumping is simply unpleasant, with fps 59-60, but you feel that the image is twitching, doesn`t work smoothly, well, what else could you expect from Ubisoft, there are even more lags in cutscenes, the visual style, in general, is not disgusting (only the characters), it is, of course, cheap, but quite colorful and it is well complemented by 3D effects,

There are no questions to the devs of "Dead Cells", they diluted the gameplay of a 2-button (punch and kick, there are no combos in combat) randomly generated rogue with Parkour, if you played "The Sands of Time", for example, then you will find the classic techniques of the prince here,
1 - somersault over the enemy’s back (it's a shame without time dilation and not so epic), 2 - climbing to a high ledge,
3 - running along the wall in any direction, which generally saves you from mobs in any location, because on almost every corner there is a wall in the background along which you can crawl back and forth (and there are also classic sinks where you can drink some water),
The runs are quite hardcore, neither weapons of a certain level, of which there are 2 - melee and throwing (there may be poison effects, for example), nor money falling from enemies, nor passive upgrades will be saved in the new run; only after finding 50 units of special jelly, you can buy yourself another starting club, but I don’t think this will make the process much easier. At the beginning there are 2 paths, to a night and sunny location, each with 8-10 levels (with a bunch of teleports inside one location) until the final, and already on the 3rd I met the boss, I couldn't get any further in an hour, a full HP consists of 1000 units, but this is enough for a couple of hits, and healings are never fully restored. The music is average, sometimes cool Indian motifs, sometimes they go too far into "another steppe", they haven’t found a pleasant balance.
As a result, I was pleased to see Prince’s features in a different genre, the impressions were rather positive, a simple, cheap platformer for a very narrow audience under a terrible publisher.

😊 𝗦𝘂𝗯 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺`𝘀 𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿`𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲:

Как с такой графикой можно было добиться микро-фризов, прыгать банально неприятно, вроде фпс 59-60, но чувствуется, что изображение дёргается, работает не плавно, ну что можно было ещё ожидать от Ubisoft, в катсценах ещё сильнее лаги, но это ладно, визуальный стиль, в целом, не отвратный (только персонажи), он, конечно, копеешный, но достаточно красочный и прикольные 3D-эффекты наложены, дополняющие картинку,

К разрабам "Dead Cells" вопросов нет, геймплей 2-кнопочного (удар и пинок, комбо нет в боёвке) рандомно генерирующегося рогалика они разбавили Паркуром, если вы играли в "Sands of Time", например, то вас ждут классические приёмы принца, 1 - кувырок через спину врага (жаль без замедления времени и не так эпично), 2 - карабканье на высокий уступ,
3 - бег по стене в любом направлении, что вообще спасает от мобов на любой локации, потому что практически на каждом углу есть стена на фоне, по которой можно туда сюда елозить (и есть ещё классические раковины, где можно попить водичку),
Забеги достаточно хардкорные, ни оружия определённого уровня, которых 2, рукопашное и метательное (могут быть эффекты отравы например), ни деньги, выпадающие с врагов, ни пассивные улучшения не будут сохраняться в новом забеге, лишь найдя 50 единиц специального желе, можно купить себе другую стартовую дубину, но не думаю, что это сильно облегчит процесс, в начале тут 2 пути, к ночной и солнечной локации, в каждой по 8-10 секций (с кучей телепортов внутри одной локации) до финала, и уже где-то на 3-ей я встретил босса, я за час не смог дальше продвинуться, полная хепешка состоит из 1000 единиц, но этого хватает на пару ударов, а хилки никогда не восстанавливают полностью. Музыка средняя, иногда прикольные индийские мотивы, иногда слишком в другую степь уходят, баланса не нашли приятного.
По итогу, мне было приятно увидеть фишки Принца в другом жанре, впечатления скорее положительные, простенький дешёвый платформер по мотивам для очень узкопрофильной аудитории под ужасным издателем.

I got in and out after two runs, so take this less as a well developed review and more as my first impressions.

Firstly, I think the parkour stuff is the most interesting and well implemented aspect of the game (as of the initial Early Access release build). Longer sections without enemies got me into a groove, and I'd love a platformer with this movement in mind. It's not perfect, I had some issues kinda magneting to things I didn't want to magnet to, although it's a pretty minor gripe about what is otherwise a quite fun element. But beyond that, it's a pretty mixed bag.

The obvious point of comparison is Dead Cells. It's a little unclear to me what the percentage of people who worked on the core combat of Dead Cells at Motion Twin ended up on the Evil Empire team working on The Rogue Prince of Persia. I bring that up because Dead Cells has this really fluid combat and combat-related movement that Rogue Prince of Persia just entirely lacks. The parkour flow state ends entirely once you run into an enemy. The combat-defining roll in Dead Cells is replaced with this weird dash/vault combo that looks and feels awkward and works horribly whenever you fight more than one enemy at once.

The boss fight I reached felt pretty one dimensional, I wish there had been more movement objects and a need to use them. It was mostly just a big health sponge. I don't remember bosses in Dead Cells being terribly fun either, so I guess I'm not surprised. Coming off of Hades 2's early access, it feels like a major weak point, though Hades 2 seems to be much much farther along in development so I don't want to hold that against RPoP too much.

The roguelike elements also feel pretty underbaked at the moment. On my second run, I unlocked two things. The first was four slots that I could put badges into as I found them. These seemed interesting enough, though most of what I found seemed very focused on regular stage gameplay and not much on boss fights, which makes me think boss fights are gonna feel a little vanilla. But it's Early Access, and I didn't see an exhaustive list of the badges. The other thing it introduced was Spirit Glimmers, a meta currency to upgrade things. In Dead Cells, you didn't keep the Cells you had on your person on death and only got to make use of the Cells you spent on upgrades during the run. I hated this, as it felt needlessly punishing (especially given that Dead Cells had SOOOO many things to spend Cells on). Spirit Glimmers appear to work the same way. Which immediately made me roll my eyes, exit the game, and request a refund. It's a super feel bad mechanic to players early on.

Some miscellaneous thoughts to wrap up. Weapon variety seemed pretty limited, I kept being offered a pretty small selection of weapons. I don't know how much of that was a lack of content due to the game being in EA or simply the game slowly rolling out its weapon selection. Either way, it felt kinda disappointing. I kinda go back and forth on the graphics, sometimes I like them and sometimes they look a bit wonky. The skin tone choices is a bit odd to me, I don't understand the reasoning. Maybe it was from a concern that some players wouldn't want to play as a dark skinned protagonist? Maybe they wanted to inject more color into the world? I don't know. Finally, the music reminds me of something I'd hear during a break in a Counter Strike tournament or something. It's not great.

It's Early Access, plenty can change, but I'm not sure I'd be interested in checking this out again until a 1.0 release and seeing what gripes of mine have been addressed.

Silver Medal (For EA) - Completed (Early Acces)

fellow kings-to-be...We Must Stand Together, UTTERLY NONPOSITIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nomore consumign "rougelights", only non-diet homecooked Straight-EDGE Roguishness........

This game has a TON of potential. It just needs a lot more content right now, which is to be expected as a brand new early access drop. Well worth the $18 it is right now.