Reviews from

in the past

"The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionally with data-mining algorithms. God and the gods vere apparitions of observation, judgment and punishment. Other sentiments toward them were secondary.

The human organism always worships. First it was the gods, then it was fame (them observation and judgment of others), next it will be the self-aware systems you have to built to realize truly omnipresent observation and judgment.

The induviduals desires judgement. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization. The human being created civilization not because of a willingless but because of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning. God was a dreem of government.

You will soon have your God; and you will make it with your own hands."

I've recently gone back to classics of the PC persuasion, with system shock 1&2, baldur's gate, placescape, and finally decided to check out Deus Ex. I had played the PS3 version of the game, only slightly, but dropped it as I wanted to do a mission that was available to me, but didn't seem to be feasible in completing.

Step into Deus Ex, where you can solve just about any mission or task in several different ways. You can hack your way in, talk to some NPCs who give you tips, stumble upon a code or a password, the options seem to be boundless. The freedom at first was awesome allowing me to find and discover things to do in such unique ways. I found it interesting to meet people who ask for an item then give you a key way to enter a secret area. Eventually however, near the end of the game, I found myself using lockpicks and multi-tools, as I could not find the proper codes or keys.

I enjoyed the story, but it does seem to have a villain problem where I thought the big bad ended up not being such. I will refrain from saying much, but ultimately, I found myself not quite trusting anyone in the end, and I suspect that was the intention of the devs. Very cool game, still holds up 20+ years later.

i liekd being a sneaky spy guy and shooting all the guys with the silent takedowns it was fun. really cool setting going on too idk lots of stuff to admire.

i cannot deal with the outdated controls, im certain its a great game i just cant play it

Defined the immersive sim genre, setting a standard that has yet to be surpassed.