Reviews from

in the past

It's... Fine, I think? It's been my 4th time beating it, and the final verdict is always the same.

To be fair, there's nothing much to say about this game. It has Dishonored 2 gameplay in its core, and it plays great. The missions are cool too (especially the Bank Job), though one of them is a reuse of the one from the sequel, and that one was changed here, so I see nothing to complain about.

The most part of the complaints I've heard were about the plot, and yes, I'm agree with them. Not to mention how awkardly Daud was represeneted here.

Personally I don't like Billie's abilites (except the semblance. It's an amazing one, though the devs messed up with it narratively), but someone might like them.

If you enjoyed Dishonored 2 and want some more, play it. It won't hurt you.

A short game but a good game. The new powers can be combined in interesting ways. It has the Dishonored essence but not as good as the previous two.

Review EN/PTBR

There was a strange mix of feelings I had with this game
The lack of a chaos system that exists in previous games left me with a very dry feeling in the way that I play but at the same time giving a more error-free feeling

The story attacks the strong points of the universe but sometimes I feel everything is too rushed or done in a more sloppy way.

But I can't help but say that I like the Dishonored Universe, I just think it would be better if there was more time to develop the story, because the events are so important that it's hard to believe that this is just a standalone expansion of Dishonored, whereas the game looks like a very well-made DLC.


Houve um misto muito estranho de sensações que eu tive com esse jogo
A falta de um sistema de caos que existe nos jogos anteriores me deixou com uma sensação muito seca na forma de como eu jogo mas ao mesmo tempo dando uma sensação mais livre para erros

A história ataca em pontos fortes do universo mas ao mesmo tempo as vezes sinto tudo muito corrido ou feito de uma forma mais desleixada

Mas não consigo deixar de dizer que gosto do Universo de Dishonored, só acho que seria melhor se tivesse um tempo maior de desenvolvimento da hístoria porque os acontecimentos são tão importantes que fica difícil de acreditar que isso é só uma standalone expansion de dishonored sendo que no final o jogo parece uma dlc só muito bem feita.

Death of the Outsider is the Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches of the second Dishonored game in that it is an expansion about as long as the base game and mechanically different enough to be an interesting standalone experience. It is the weakest entry in the series, as it does take out staple mechanics like the chaos system, but it ties up loose ends in the overarching story nicely.

feel like they shouldve went harder into semblance and either turned the game into hitman or removed this power, all instances ive had to use it felt pretty clunky and annoying although the auction was kinda neat. foresight and displace are the greatest abilities in the series though (when together). levels are a mixed bag and the contracts while a great addition more often than not just make you brute force solutions for them (which should always be an option in a game like this but not the only option). and the story sucks, it happens for the sake of it happening which sucks cause there was a lot of potential here but things are so poorly fleshed out.