Reviews from

in the past

I'd play this on pc but GFWL died and took the games with it. This was my first pc game when I gave pc gaming a really try. Only one store had it and I bought it dammit! I would love to platinum this game.

I found this game to just be really bad. It got good about an hour before it ended. Seemed really unfinished. The property buying aspect of the game was better than the game itself. Such a strange, disappointing game.

Everything before the coronation is a special game to me, the UI is a nightmare and there are so many strange mechanics, but the characters are delightful and the action and plot build up is so exciting!
Then there's after the coronation. It genuninely becomes miserable to play, pressing X or pressing A. And if you didn't farm money in the parts where you wanted to do quests and explore the world well. the game says fuck you.