Reviews from

in the past

This game is WILD. It's oozing with 80s vaporwave vibes and I love it! I'm not a huge fan of horror games, but this one surprisingly handles itself well! There's only a few actual jumpscares and instead sets up an unsettling atmosphere that you must navigate from time to time!

The characters are hilarious, the writing witty and the vibes immaculate. Check out this small hidden gem!

Eres un locutor de radio, y tienes que hacer un programa mientras investigas a un asesino en serie y evitas que la gente del pueblo sea asesinada. Tengo que decir que este juego esta muy chulo, la historia esta guay, si os molan las historias policiacas os molará. El humor esta chulo, y toda la atmosfera del juego me ha recordado un montón a Firewatch, jugadlo

Jogo muito bom e com uma idéia muito interessante pro terror.

Killer Frequency é um jogo em que você se encontra na pele de um radialista de uma cidadezinha pequena onde se encontra um serial killer à solta e o seu objetivo é salvar as vitimas perseguidas pelo mesmo.

No geral achei o jogo bem divertido e com uma ideia muito interessante, é muito legal você se sentir a tensão das perseguições e os momentos de hide and seek com o serial killer apenas através de uma ligação de telefone recebida na radio. O jogo realmente consegue te deixar um pouco tenso e te faz as vezes temer pela vida da pessoa que você está tentando salvar. Sem contar a vibe de radio dos anos 80 que o jogo apresente que é fantastica e combina super bem com esse estilho filme slasher dos anos 80.

Na parte do terror, eu sinceramente esperava um pouco mais do jogo. Talvez senti falta de mais aparições do Assobiador cara a cara com você e talvez até alguma mecanica de se esconder dele (oque deixaria tudo mais tenso sabendo que ele está dentro da radio também), mas no geral foi uma experiência bem divertida.

Recomendo pra quem gosta de um terror mais leve e está procurando algum jogo um pouco mais curtinho e com mecanicas diferentes de apenas walking simulator com uma lanterna no escuro.

Killer frequency is a very good investigative/puzzle game. Unlike Tag, the game isn't very horror-oriented, but more of a simulation. In this game, you take on the role of Forrest Nash, a radio presenter who has to deal with the arrival of a killer in his town.

From a gameplay point of view, the game is a mix of puzzle and simulation/exploration. You have to collect objects to solve the puzzles and save the various people. Apart from the exploration and puzzle parts, the game lacks in gameplay variety.

Visually, the game is quite beautiful and is well designed so that you can see which objects are useful and which are not. You can feel the 80s atmosphere in the visuals and the layout of the various elements, as well as the general vibe of the game.

From an audio point of view, the game is really very good, especially as this is an extremely important point as you spend a large part of the game communicating by telephone with the various protagonists. The voice acting and sound design are very good, and the voice actors deliver a very good performance for the most part. Even the humorous parts are funny, and you can feel the life in the characters' voices.

Finally, the story is really well told as the information we discover throughout the game unfolds. It's still an investigative game where you have to search for the motive and the killer, but the elements delivered are pretty coherent and enjoyable without being too complex.

In conclusion, this is a good little simu/investigation game with a decent lifespan (~5 hours) and a degree of replayability, as it has several endings, which I'd highly recommend.

If u like life is Strange, Fire Watch, and mystery/horror/thriller puzzle games, very narrative-focused games u are gonna love this too.
I don't even know what to say that isn't a spoiler. the story is just so fucking good and the ambiance music and constant sense of being watched and paranoia ahah I LOVE IT. I don't have words to describe how much I enjoyed it. ( The gameplay and some puzzles can get a little annoying but like still better than 80 percent of the trash games on the market) but I can see how this game might not be for everyone(if u like the story and mystery aspect, u are in for a great ride. It's a very narrative-focused game with some puzzles and a lot of detective work mixed with fast crucial decision-making.