Reviews from

in the past

History teacher: It's time to learn the Edo Period in Japan!
Kazuma Kiryu: Do you want to learn the legendary tale of Sakamoto Ryoma and the transition into the Meiji Restoration?


A historical piece with Yakuza characters, not to be confused with a period piece with Yakuza characters. I'm a big fan of the samurai flick tropes on display here.

Funny as it is to say, I think this is one of the better stories in the series. Helps when you have literal history as the original author. Seeing which characters were set to be portrayed with the likeness of past Yakuza characters leads to dynamics between them and our Kiryu lookalike that I wish so desperately came to be in the mainline entries.

Being based on 19th century Japan, the combat is primarily sword-based, although you get the Dragon of Dojima style and a gun to mix things up. Not really much you can be creative with here when you get all your styles really early in, one of them just using both the sword and gun. The upgrade system is one of my favorites, though. Get grey orbs on leveling up and put them in one of four skill trees, but level up any style and you get a colored one you can swap the grey one out for. You could either continue committing to a style or evenly distribute skills as you go, so the progression feels as open as Yakuza 0.

Some parts of the game feel like they were taken from the RPGs. They don't mix that well. I tolerate the trooper system and the odd magic angle they take in some boss fights, but the whole time I felt like it belongs in another game where it would fit way better. It has its own progression system and leads to having to make builds for each fighting style. I'd like it more if it was one larger, universal set of troopers split between active and passive abilities; they have abilities not seen in the skill trees, so it wouldn't be redundant. Weapons and defensive gear can be given buffs that increase a stat by a percentage value, too. This game even has damage numbers for some reason. I heard this aspect of the game, or at least the troopers, didn't exist in the original version, so I'm more confused than anything.

At the end of the day, my biggest takeaway is that identity theft was rampant in Japan, you gotta be patriotic as shit, Mine would have been such a bro, and that I have a thing for samurai. I'll get to SamSho and the rest of Kurosawa's filmography one day...

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0/10 Mine no se quita la camiseta

Did not do the homework, failed the test.

For me, Ishin is just okay. I actually liked the combat system but I found mystelf getting bored of the actual storyline. But maybe I'm just burn out or something cause I played each Yakuza game back to back.

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