Reviews from

in the past

İnanılmaz bir oyun. Harita tasarımı, harika bölüm dizaynları, kafa yoran bulmacalar, akıcı platform ve dövüş, zorlayıcı platform bulmacaları ve orijinal oyunlara bağlılığı ile muhteşem bir zaman hikayesi ortaya çıkmış. Ori, Hollow Knight gibi oyunları seviyorsanız kesinlikle denemelisiniz.

Ótimo metroidvania, fiz 1000g

Vibe arábia-mística muito boa

Jogabilidade gostosa demais

Level design divertido, cenários e inimigos poderiam ter mais personalidade

Muitos itens que afetam pouco, você focará nos que aumentam ou previnem dano em geral pq são obviamente melhores

Puzzles legais

Gostaria que tivesse umas quatro armas diferentes para dar variedade, mas é legal

O ponto fraco é a história e personagens. Visualmente tudo é bem carismático e gostei das batalhas inspiradas em anime e jogos de luta, especialmente nos chefes. Mas os personagens em si não tem alma alguma e a história tem um pano de fundo interessante mas algumas coisas acabam sem sentido. E, claro, por que o PRINCE OF PERSIA não é o protagonista deste PRINCE OF PERSIA?

A resposta é óbvia: DEI

Dito isso o jogo é excelente no geral, um dos melhores do ano até o momento

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is a worthy reset for a once great series and one of the best Metroidvania’s of recent years reaching similar heights to the fantastic Metroid Dread (2021) but not quite grasping the exceptional glories of Ori and the Will of the Wisps (2020). This game once again proves that if you return to a side scrolling viewpoint so much can be achieved that is often lost in more expansive open world 3D viewpoints.

The developers clearly admired the recent Metroid greatly and draw influences from Hades (2020) also, even going so far as to completely copy a piece of music whenever you defeat enemies in a sealed set piece. There’s nothing wrong with that however, if you’re going to lift from other sources these are very good sources to lift from.

The pacing of this adventure is impeccably done with a true cinematic reach that never tires. The story is classic historical hero fare but they flesh out the Persian mythology and legend well with a good script (by videogame standards) and just the right amount of side distractions to maintain a broader interest in exploring the map of Mount Qaf which is varied and full of solid platforming challenges.

You are not given probably your best traversal power until right near the end of the game which I did find frustrating but I suppose it suited the challenge. I can’t say I particularly enjoyed any of the boss battles but they do tend to be my least favourite parts of Metroidvania games and only one of them caused me a headache that I felt bordered on unfairness. The combat generally is crisp and responsive with a rapier like benefit to well timed dodges and blocks. I always felt like varying my combat approach led to positive outcomes which is exactly what you need to encourage more adventurous play.

The graphics are not anything to write home about but it all has a colourful and engaging art style that complements the movement of Sargon, especially as he cuts through the air. The production values generally are very high. I particularly enjoyed the ability to play the game with a Persian voice track, this really added to the immersion and general sense of grandeur.

In terms of annoyances: A lot of the amulet power ups are meaningless, one of the hardest challenges in the game simply rewards you with a new skin (I was furious), and the things you can purchase with Xerxes currency are rarely worth the hassle. I would certainly rebalance the risk/reward ratio a lot more generously. A big addition I would bring to any sequel is an effective mini map. I was constantly pausing to look at the world map to plan out my jumps and falls, which felt like a needless break in the rhythm of combat and traversal.

On the Switch there were more loading times than I would ideally like, but it never became aggravating. This is the ideal game for short spells in handheld mode and brought me back to the short play sessions I would have tackling the Ori games in downtime at work. Nintendo, give us more Metroidvanias please.

All in all this was a delightful experience and I would jump at a sequel should it ever reach us.

This was genuinely a good game, so much fun

This is a game where I really found my opinion on it changing across the hours I spent with it. A decent (if a little plot heavy) opening leads in to a really fantastic second act with some of the game's best boss fights, platforming challenges and item unlocks. It's such a shame that for me it couldn't sustain that high. I personally found the final stretch of the game to be pretty underwhelming in its linearity and the combat becoming more of a frustration.

That said I think the team have built a really solid foundation and I'd love to see them develop on their ideas further.