Reviews from

in the past

Chill game
Need to grind a little to understand the mechanics and timing [to hit the ball].
Would recommend the game if you enjoy sports game and need a 'not-so-stressful' game.
3 stars because I personally play for straight vibes

Juegardo pa los hombres, furbo y coches. ESPECTACULAR

I was never the greatest at this game, but it’s a fun time with friends.

Amazing game. Stays fun to play with friends, with a low entry level but insanely high skill ceiling. Got all achievements soon after started playing, made it to champion plenty of times, but definitely been playing less ever since Epic got their claws in it.

O que me fez largar Rocket League foi a comunidade, não o jogo e muito menos a Epic assumindo. Um dia talvez eu volte, com chat mutado e sem interagir, só assim pra ter uma experiência tranquila e divertida neste jogo que com certeza é um dos mais legais que já joguei.

How can you go wrong with soccer cars?

The fairest game I've ever played.
Don't get me wrong, I'm just a champion but i find it incredibly enjoyable to keep learning and improving my skills. In this game, if you lose, it's likely due to your own mistakes or those of your team, not because of glitches or unfair advantages often found in many multiplayer games.

laughed until i cried until the matchmaking caught up with me and then i was no longer having fun

The ultimate toxic relationship

I will probably be back eventually so I can get hardstuck champ again

A lot of the charm has left the game though. Feels soulless and corporate now. I kinda hate it

"This is Rocket League!" Easy to pick up, but very difficult to master. Still great fun both alone and with friends. Can be rage-inducing at times though (my teammates have the intelligence of a cashew).

It'd be higher if I was even halfway good at it, but it's always fun

Originally played this because it collaborated with Fortnite and had some cosmetics for the game, shockingly, I ended up quit enjoying this one, I was getting really good at it, me and my friends were.

Wish I kept playing it, I think it's a really creative and unique idea, and one day I do wish I can jump back in and play it a lot, but just a genuinely creative, and addicting game that doesn't really get tiring all that often.

Overall: 7/10


Man my cousin mad me play it and I sucked so bad to the point of it not being fun it went back around to actually being fun and I just liked fucking around and every now and then getting lucky and getting a goal shit was hella fun haven't played it since but ay look at this->😼

Fun memories playing this at my aunt & uncle's house with family.