Reviews from

in the past

One of the easiest to pick up multiplayer games. Great fun to play, fast match times, easy to watch and understand esports. My go-to time killer game for years and years now

Já foi muito melhor, mas até que é maneiro

I've wasted a stupid amount of time playing this dumbass game

I was having fun and then realized it's technically a sports game so i stopped

GooeyScale: 65/100

I leaked coolant all over the screen

Aburrido oo aburrido aaaaaburrido😴

Divertido con amigos pero frustrante cuando te mete con cabrones que se la viven en este pinche juego y tu solo llevas 1 semana jugando, no se mamen con su emparejamiento.

Was good until they made it free

حلو التكنيك حقها لاكن تطفش منها مع الوقت + شريتها يوم كانت بفلوس قبل ما تنزل مجانية

valorant would never be as fun as this

Just got the platinum for this so I thought I'd make an updated review. Originally I had this at a 2.5 but I'm gonna move it up to a high 3.0 because It's alot better with friends, and overall I enjoy the game more now. The platinum itself can mostly be gained passively by just playing the game. The only annoying part was doing the offline championship tournament because it was just so easy it was mind numbing. I did put it on the easiest difficulty just so I could get the trophies so that's probably why it was so boring. I still can't get good at this game even if my life depended on it lmao.


one of the few good "esports" games. some have called it the melee of car soccer games

ja foi muito bom, pena q a epic games existe

Drive a car and hit the ball and hope it goes into the goal. easy to start, hard to master. There's really nothing more to it than that.

Cool game that combined cars and soccer and that’s about all.