Reviews from

in the past

It is just boring to play I guess? I love little big planet so what happened? It lacks all of the imagination and creativity that Media Molecule is known for and just became a boring, uneventful platformer. I would not recommend if you are finding a Little Big Planet like experience.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is an adorable platformer in a world that is a giant arts and crafts project.

The story is simple, what little you get that is, and doesn’t really have any real resolution.

The level design is mostly fun and creative, but starts losing steam around the last two worlds, as if the developers got bored and just started throwing random assets together and calling it a day.

While Sackboy is a fun game, it would probably be more fun if played with a younger relative.

good game but felt more like a generic no name platformer than littlebigplanet

It's a good platformer, and multiplayer play is pretty cool, but I didn't really feel like continuing.

Platforming was really satisfying, I'd even say more satisfying than LBP3. Loved looking over the level for secrets and trying to get the best time on the Knitted Knight Trials. From a gameplay perspective this game really killed it. Highlight of the game though - gotta be the soundtrack. Throwing in licenced music to some of the stages and making the obstacles and enemies in the game physically react to the beat fully immersed me in some of the levels. The world variety wasn't too diverse but ultimately they managed to make each individual stage in each world feel unique so big plus on the game design. I enjoyed going for more collectibles and outfits then randomly setting my appearance. Really like that they added in a surprise me option. Story was lackluster but the game wasn't about story less so theming and platforming.

Testei umas fases já sabendo de um amigo que o jogo não tinha um feeling muito bom e comprovei e concordo é estranho demais.

O pulo e a movimentação parecem ter algum efeito terceiro que não é compreensível e acaba por não ser tão prazerosa a experiência do mesmo.

Apesar de ser fofinho e bonito aos olhos, peca em entregar uma gameplay divertida por longos períodos.