Reviews from

in the past

franchement top ce serait encore meilleur si j'avais 10 ans de moins

Platforming was really satisfying, I'd even say more satisfying than LBP3. Loved looking over the level for secrets and trying to get the best time on the Knitted Knight Trials. From a gameplay perspective this game really killed it. Highlight of the game though - gotta be the soundtrack. Throwing in licenced music to some of the stages and making the obstacles and enemies in the game physically react to the beat fully immersed me in some of the levels. The world variety wasn't too diverse but ultimately they managed to make each individual stage in each world feel unique so big plus on the game design. I enjoyed going for more collectibles and outfits then randomly setting my appearance. Really like that they added in a surprise me option. Story was lackluster but the game wasn't about story less so theming and platforming.

It is just boring to play I guess? I love little big planet so what happened? It lacks all of the imagination and creativity that Media Molecule is known for and just became a boring, uneventful platformer. I would not recommend if you are finding a Little Big Planet like experience.

Would recommend Game Design Students to give this a shot to formulate how much better 3D Mario in comparison is and build better Games for themselves.

Como juego plataformas es super entretenido, pero no llega a la altura de los LBP, si este juego hubiese tenido creador de niveles seria 5 estrellas, además que la gente lo rejugaría muchísimo más

The cynic in me shouts that this game was made as image protection for Sackboy as a mascot. It gives a little bit of SM3DW but the overall platforming speed doesn't match and just feels whatever.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is an adorable platformer in a world that is a giant arts and crafts project.

The story is simple, what little you get that is, and doesn’t really have any real resolution.

The level design is mostly fun and creative, but starts losing steam around the last two worlds, as if the developers got bored and just started throwing random assets together and calling it a day.

While Sackboy is a fun game, it would probably be more fun if played with a younger relative.

Testei umas fases já sabendo de um amigo que o jogo não tinha um feeling muito bom e comprovei e concordo é estranho demais.

O pulo e a movimentação parecem ter algum efeito terceiro que não é compreensível e acaba por não ser tão prazerosa a experiência do mesmo.

Apesar de ser fofinho e bonito aos olhos, peca em entregar uma gameplay divertida por longos períodos.

Got through the first world and realized this is absolutely not a "play this alone" kind of game, so just didn't wanna see it through

Genuinamente divertido por sua simplicidade

It's a good platformer, and multiplayer play is pretty cool, but I didn't really feel like continuing.

Glad I persevered past the meandering first world or so. This game has some of the most spectacle I've seen in a platformer since I played Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Also, banger soundtrack.

Its alright. No where near compared to the LBP games but still a fun time.


(Review from 2022) Solid 3D World genre game. Some main critiques that result in me preferring 3D World. First, the tone of the game has big "specifically for kids" energy, as opposed to the all-ages energy that a Disney or Nintendo property usually has. Second, the mechanics can be a little janky, especially in multiplayer. Why does fluttering require another press? Yoshi perfected this almost 30 years ago. Frustrating for less experienced P2s, but a platformer I'd recommend generally.

Can we please bring back LittleBigPlanet?
This game is fine, It's just fine

will never be little big planet

good game but felt more like a generic no name platformer than littlebigplanet

The definition of "okay". So much nothing that I really can't even tell if there was a something to begin with. Typically I'd just have a one-sentence review that ends in something like "so it's just a modern sony game" but like let me elaborate, just this once.

I'm a pretty darn big fan of the LittleBigPlanet series of games, as I pretty much gave my entire 11th and 12th year of life playing exclusively LBP2. Doing a spin-off side game where it's just a standard 3D platformer honestly isn't that bad of an idea but the end result is so bland that I hardly can really have anything to say about it. It felt like a lot of the levels were somewhat nerfed in challenge not only to ensure that the little ones can see it through to the end but also to make sure things can still be somewhat parsable with the more hectic multiplayer camera, so I definitely see the thought put behind the design, but it's just so SAUCELESS my dudes! I tried playing both on my own and with randos online and with both I just felt like I was completely on auto pilot the entire time. It's still something that like if you are a kid that only has a playstation and NEEDS to play a mario-like it will get the job done, but that's pretty much the extent of it.

The plot is your typical generic safely-played kids game shit you've likely seen a hundred times by now.

I will say that the visuals are really nice looking, with really good usage of high resolution textures, and lots of well-used lighting and shading to really make the materials of everything look insanely realistic. Obviously different material shading has been done before in other games but the high level of fidelity everything is rendered at here is honestly really impressive and makes things stand out even more, especially if you have a higher-end TV. If there's one thing that I can give this game praise for, it's the visuals. if only the game itself had as much thought put into it amirite

As for minor nitpicks that could only come from a littlebigplanet nerd like myself, I do think it's weird that they gave sackboy a voice for grunts and screams and whatnot when he's been characteristically a mute blank slate the entire time before this game. The way that you could use the triggers to control your characters arms individually is also different and gives less overall expression, though honestly the D-pad being tied to customizable emotes instead of just 4 standard emotions is honestly not a bad idea tbh. Though I will also say that for a game in a series as creativity-focused as LBP, the player expression is very limited. No placeable stickers to color the world or your character plus the lack of connection with any other LBP game in terms of costume parts and DLC just means there's really not a lot to be creative for.

It's just really weird that this game is the way it is. Instead of being any sort of evolution on the LBP series they just made the safest, most shapeless and flavorless blob of goop and put it out as a pretty launch title. It doesn't even have the LBP namesake in its title, too! Are we really just calling this series "sackboy" now??? I mean at the very least getting something wholeheartedly inoffensive in every approachable angle is better than just having yet another sony IP thrown down the drain, so I guess I'll just take what I can get at this point. Near the end of the game, the main villain tries to take over the world by voiding craftworld of all its creative energy by enslaving hundreds of sackpeople to build a machine that uproots the tree that not only serves as a source of creativity but also is the iconic tree in the littlebigplanet logo. For a moment like that to exist in a game like this where the credits scroll through hundreds of names yet the end result deemphasizes creativity in exchange for the most generic 3D platforming with no deeper regards to its namesake though? At least the lack of user-generated content means they can't shadow-kill the servers with no warning, throwing away over a decade of peoples hard work!