Reviews from

in the past

I play way too many retro games, so I was hesitant on this one. Since the reception is mixed, with audiences hating it and critics adoring it, I didn't know how my stance was gonna be. Surprisingly, I'm with the critics here, this shit was phenomenal.

There are many ways I can explain Deathloop, but the best is that it's half an arcade-y shooter with unbelievably fun gun-play, and half a Sherlock Holmes mystery where you have to piece clues together to find out the most efficient way to get by. Once in action, it's fucking glorious.

There are some mild problems with the game, like the Juliana attacks which are the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE, and the mines in Fristad Rock, but those pale when I enjoyed those 25 hours spent with the game so much.

The characters rule too. Colt is half badass, half idiot, Juliana is a complex character that I wish they focused more on, and Aleksis (sorry, AlphaWolf69) is greatest fictional character of all time. Fight with the wall.

Man, I really haven't played anything quite like this (probably cuz i was too busy playing fucking sega genesis games). The first hour after the tutorial took a bit to get use to, but once it clicked, it CLICKED. Easily a Top 10 game OAT for me.

POV: You're the only normal person on billionaire island.

I think I played enough to know what this game is. The timeloop concept is under developed and starts to feel like you're just playing the same missions over and over again... because you are. I wish this game was given either more time or resources because this was supposed to be Arkane's last chance and we know what happened.

A personal guilty pleasure of mine. The game is pretty creative in it’s conception, having to plan killing everyone at once is a cool idea. However I can’t really say how similar it is to Dishonored so to be continued on that front for now

I never understood the criticism for the dialogue and random text pop ups during missions, it never really offended me to where it hurt the gameplay.. The ending however was kinda mid, as it ends way too quickly and doesn’t really have enough time to flesh out what really is happening. Unless you absolutely explored everything, then it was a toss up.

I wanted it to be like hitman with time travel but it is like, so much weirder and worse. youd think a game about a time loop would have a real time day night cycle, honestly that would have fixed half of the problems i have with the game

Very reminiscent of Dishonored. I really enjoyed this, but there's no replayability. Multiplayer was pretty poorly implemented, but could've been really cool.

Deathloop is great, it's setting is a mystery that is brilliant to discover, weapons are vaired and fun, characters are homicidal, insane or eccentric making them super memorable.

Where the games issues come in is with the more simplified gameplay, it's still an imersive sim but only just, the original idea for the game was leaving a lot to the player and I feel changing that was a mistake but despite that it's super solid and fun, just not what's expected of Arkane usual work.

The game unlike the Dishonored series that preceded it had no karma like system to it allowing a bit more freedom in how you approach it situation, unfortunately it's seems the game does put loud and guns blazing up front outside of key targets that require stealth, stealth can be favored in one area and that's Julianna, Julianna is a player/computer controlled character who's goal is to kill you, it seem that stealth with the right slab load out is great for taking out jullianna.

Yeah it has problems, many in fact but for every problem here, there are like 3 things that make up for it, it's a great time especially for how cheap the game is now.

I might finish this game eventually, buti t was interesting i guess.

def the weakest game from Arkane Studios surely their next game will be....


I love how this game aligns both the player and colt in a way where you feel like you imporving is a part of the story! I don't want to expand on that fully since it'll ruin it for anyone else, but go in blind and don't be afraid of being overwhelmed, remember, there's always another Loop!

Mais le jeu aurait pu etre TELLEMENT bien mais vous avez pris les joueurs pour des débiles mentaux donc c'est juste chiant

dont get the hate i played it and it was fun


Had a chance to be more ambitious, but it wasn't. Instead it is just a standard immersive FPS with a borderline embarrassing story. But even in its worst case its just more Dishonored which is not necessarily a bad thing.

this game is not too good, but you can play this and have a really good time because the characters are funny

Very reminiscent of Dishonored. I really enjoyed this, but there's no replayability. Multiplayer was pretty poorly implemented, but could've been really cool.