Reviews from

in the past

i love the soundtrack, 10/10
super fun fight mechanics, amazing story and it gave me a good laugh

"It can't possibly be that good."

"It… actually is that good wha-"

First playthrough I did a mix. Second I’m going for Pacifist. Creative and great game.

This review contains spoilers

Loved it! A relatively short yet sweet game. I only did the pacifist route (both times, even if the first one still ended with Omega Flowey!), and I found the story and characters very compelling. I am just bad at videogames, so I struggled a bit in fights, but I didn't mind!

i have 300 hours on the game, 280 of them are me replaying the sans fight just for the fun of it

Mediocre gameplay but story is good enough. Good if you value stories over gameplay

Este juego me hizo comprar mi primer poster en un salon del manga.

El arte, precioso; los personajes, carismaticos e increibles; la historia, traumatica y SANS!? Tu tu ru tu tu tu tu!!!

Timeless classic, the best game ever made. Amazing characters, legendary soundtrack and beautiful story.

Uma mini tag não é o suficiente para eu descrever toda a minha experiência com Undertale e tão pouco irei fazer uma review sobre.

Entretanto, algo que gostaria de deixar registrado é que Undertale tem um dos melhores finais que já tive contato.

i didnt play this game in my childhood but my boyfriend finally got me to in 2021 and i understand all the hype around it its an AMAZING game i love papyrus

Great game, I liiiiiiiike MeGaLoVania. 🕷

undertale is so good i played it thrice. i think sans is my favorite character. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

a HUGE portion of my childhood, i love asriel hes LITERALLY ME

Muito legal, zerei com um amigo e depois sozinho, fd fd

esse jogo fez boa parte da minha infancia, ele tem um espaco guardado no meu coracao

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said

This game benefits a lot from not knowing anything going it, which is nigh impossible in current year. While some of the humor has certainly aged it can still be pretty charming. This game has a lot of moments where you can't help but smile, but also some where they try to make you feel bad (those ones tend to be less effective as the game goes on). But I have a lot of good memories with this game, likely because I got to play it alongside my siblings. It's also a pretty soft entry into the bullet-hell genre as a bonus.

it taught me what video games were capable of when i played it as an 8 year old, they were more than toys but ways to engage with an audience.

WOOOOooooOOOOOAAAAAAH story of undertale

I have been trying my hardest to avoid spoilers for this game for so long and I have finally gotten around to laying it and its amazing. The soundtrack alone makes the game worth playing. It turns turn based combat which I normally personally find quite boring into exciting through the use of the player actually needing to dodge the attacks themselves rather than just sitting their hoping it misses. With the players turn its still engaging as choosing to kill or figure out how to spare can be a puzzle. The story and characters are amazing too this will be one of those games I will wish to be able to play for the first time again for years to come.

Peak, where's Deltarune Chapter 3.

Finished the normal ending, need to play through the other 2 endings at some point. I don't like the bullet hell combat.