Reviews from

in the past

game made me cry over an unnamed side character that i didnt know i cared about 10/10

the most i've loved a game's story since Heaven Will Be Mine.

A truly amazing video game narrative that should not go ignored by anyone who is a fan of story-driven titles. The dialogue and the characters are so skillfully done. I don't want to reveal anything, but the game's story is so ambitious and daunting in scale and it somehow pulls it off. It's a game about SO many things and it somehow doesn't lose itself in that abundance of plotlines and concepts. Every time I thought I saw all that this game had to offer, it one-upped itself and just progressively rose further and further amongst some of my favorite stories within the medium; particularly stories that are not part of a series of titles. I foresee this game staying fresh within my mind for a long, long time.

There were a few times where I was sure the game was going to end, and it didn't - and it was a much more interesting game for continuing.

I don't think I've played a game of this scale that was this specific and personal before. Because of that, in a way, it felt like it held me at arm's length. There was a distance. But it still held me.