Reviews from

in the past

NOTA: 8,0

Another Crab's Treasure é um carismático game com propriedades de plataforma e combate souls like com áreas exploraveis bem extensas devido ao uso do gancho e um belo level design quando se trata da criatividade de usar os elementos do cenário como progressão e plataforma.

Levantando várias críticas sociais de maneira hora humorística hora emocional, a tradução em PT-BR deixa as interações com os personagens muito engraçadas, com trocadilhos muito bons, além das ótimas referências que o game tem( sands between me quebrou muito, vindo do lands between de Elden Ring e o visual do Solaire de Dark Souls também kkkkk).

De início, a história parecia bem objetiva e simples, quanto às mecânicas de combate, ganhariam variedade, porém, indo mais adiante, esses papéis se invertem, a história toma um rumo tanto quanto curioso, cruel e profundo, já o combate embora demonstre variedade nas conchas, adaptações e habilidades, acaba que a extensão dos mapas torna o game repetitivo e massivo, fora que pouco a pouco meio que foge um pouco da proposta soulslike, seja devido à IA dos inimigos meio passiva ou se não ao grande número de amuletos e builds de quebrar posturas mesmo de chefes ou até a aglomeração de inimigos no design dos mapas.

Ainda sobre os mapas, acho que a extensão para a história é interessante, mas para a jogabilidade, acaba que vira um ônus (aquelas áreas com as lagostas que atiram laser meu deus) além de tornar o game meio repetitivo, falta intuição para eles, mesmo com a bussola, acabou que eu não tive tanta vontade de explorar os mapas finais, tanto pelo motivo acima quanto pela falta de necessidade, sei que o game buscou não tornar a experiência linear, mas acho que foram muito além em relação à outros souls.

De resto, enfrentei problemas menores como alguns bugs hora eu hora os inimigos sairem voando, algumas travadas devido à loadings dos mapas e achei o game no quesito plataforma muito superficial também em exceção da última área, talvez o game pudesse aproveitar suas áreas para gerar upgrades de stamina e estimular mais backtracking para tornar trechos de plataforma mais intrigantes.

Concluindo, Another Crab's Treasure é uma experiência muito divertida e carismática, porém se perde no seu próprio foco, acabando não criando tantos confrontos marcantes, porém sim uma história com moral e ideias intrigantes, ainda sim, recomendo pelo gamepass. Bom trabalho Krill!

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Another Crab's treasure, and found it to be a game that actually knew what it wanted to do in imitating Dark Souls. The gameplay never really hit a level of difficulty for me that I feel other souls games do, but it also may just be that I have been putting enough of them under my belt at this point that they're overall becoming easier. The game suffers occasionally from enemies bugging a bit, and other small oddities but altogether delivers a solid experience that I would recommend to just about anyone, souls veterans and newcomers alike. The fact that this is the studio's second game as well is extremely impressive and I look forward to what they decide to make next.

Criativo (principalmente na montagem dos cenários com sucata)
Humor mto bom (piadas e trocadilhos)
e da pra ver q foi feito com mto carinho
mas vou dar um tempo por agr e futuramente talvez eu continue

i know you can change the sprint button, but i felt it appropriate to embrace the claw grip

One of the better non-Fromsoft soulslikes. Beautiful artstyle, great soundtrack and solid combat. The shell system, style and platforming makes it different enough from traditional souls to deserve a playthrough.

I'd highly advice to never turn on any accesibility setting to get the full experience as intended. It's worth it. It's the easiest souls I've played, which is not a bad thing.

It's not perfect tho. Sometimes hitboxes are goofy and the electric hammer enemy was dogshit. I was going to give it a 9 but there was a section so terrible in The Fathoms (the one with the guardians from Breath of the Wild) it made me remove a point, so 8 it is. Finally, there's an annoying amount of surfaces where it looks like you can stand on but end up sliding off the map. Really frustrating for what's essentially a 3D platformer.

Still, the good outweighs the bad, I think its a great game and hope Aggro Crab makes a sequel where they polish up the systems and mechanics, it could be really amazing.

Not rating it because I didn't finish it. I stopped because this is starting to feel like a tired genre

What happens when you mix SpongeBob with a Souls game? Apparently you get a game with extremely charming graphics, character models and designs that wouldn't be out of place in one of the recent SpongeBob games, a chill lo-fi soundtrack and simple soulslike mechanics that do not hold up for up to 15 hours. It was at least three times I thought "This is gonna be it, isn't it?" and the game just kept on going and going. It is way too long. This would easily be a 4 star review if the game length would've been cut in half. Playing with the same moveset with only slight additions, fighting enemies that simply do not have enough variance for over 14 hours only made me go mad towards the end.

a little sloppy around the edges but I really enjoy the 3D platformer charm & pared down version of the Souls action combat. definitely feels like a PS2ified version of modern design traits popularized by From Software. Kinda felt like most areas overstayed their welcome but I had a good time hanging out. I'd love to see more games in this vein

Great indie souls like here

After I beat that one chopstick boss I started using accessibility options to have more fun, probably tainted the experience for myself but it’s whatever

This game also has references to the original dark souls and bloodborne, love it

Intente darle una oportunidad pero la verdad no fui fan del diseño artístico, si, es muy lindo, lamentablemente no fue de mi agrado.

Really impressive Souls-like from a small team. The story was a little heavy-handed and maybe a bit unnecessary at points? I encountered some nasty game breaking bugs a couple times but the game was so charming I didn't really care. Some really fun biomes to explore and the shells (akin to the Ashes of War from Elden Ring) made for some fun and constantly changing build ideas. Glad I played it.


shelden ring. probably the second best non-fromsoft soulslike behind lies of p

normally i really really dont like soulslikes and just refund them within 2 hours but this games artstyle and gameplay really tickles my brain. platforming and combat is super fun but less challenging than other soulslikes, probably the reason i enjoy it more

As someone who really likes the challenge and difficulty in souls-likes but doesn't invest nearly as much energy into understanding their UI or RPG/stats aspect, Another Crab's Treasure is a game that I had to love.

The enemies and bosses, the systems like the shells and unlockable skills, and the story are all great. And while everything isn't perfect (expect some 3D jank and cutscenes feel cheap compared to the rest of the game), each of these elements work together as a fantastic whole that I loved playing through.

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Crab souls lmao

Amazing Visuals
Great combat/build variety
Fantastic pricing
Engaging story and world
Great beginner soulslike

Some tedious platforming segments
Later levels tend to drag on

Overall, Another Crab’s treasure is a fantastic soulslike that will keep you entertained for it’s 10-15 hour length. It combines accessibility and difficulty in an amazing blend so any player can have a good time. The experimenting you can do with the different shells and spells keeps the game constantly rewarding.

a really impressive commitment to the bit, but ultimately this feels oddly paced, mechanically frustrating at times, and nowhere near as polished as the titles it draws its inspiration from. despite that, when the future of the industry appears to be sentient live service games that choose to do evil because it makes them happy and executing everyone at a studio if their game doesn't earn the gdp of namibia in the first week, it's hard to be too mad about it. a smaller developer making a plucky little dark souls rip off about a crab is like a peek into a universe where people are able to make fun games that are deeply inspired by others but still maintain a renegade spirit all their own, and that feels like a slightly sunnier universe where reading kotaku maybe wouldn't make me want to kill myself (for reasons other than the normal ones you would want to kill yourself after reading kotaku).

great so far fun souls like very good ost and artstyle

Cute and short game and a very refreshing take on soulslikes. It was super fun to mess around with Krils shells and abilities, it makes the combat very engaging, varied and expressive. The levels and environments are all really fun to explore and platform in as well.

Minus 1/2 star because the game was glitchy at times and suffered from a few performance issues. The dodge roll also feels ever so slightly wonky (hard to describe what makes it feel that way tbh), but at least you don't have stamina in this game which somewhat makes up for it.

Apesar do jogo apresentar algumas faltas de polimento que me incomodaram em algumas situações, ele é tão divertido que você acaba relevando boa parte disso. A história é bem legal, o combate é fluído e legal, apesar de carecer de um pouco mais de polimento, e as batalhas contra chefes são muito boas, apesar de algumas serem um pouco fáceis. No geral, para um jogo que não é AAA, ele é muito bom e vale bastante a pena pra quem curte Soulslike e jogos de aventura em geral.

My first Soulslike, and it looks nothing like the common associates with the genre, perfect for me!

It has a good blend of action adventure combined with 3D platforming. The combat is easy enough to understand with a charge attack, parry, dodge options, all that jazz. There are also special powers from either shells or the powers you pick up from bosses, though I found myself mostly using the latter of those two. The shell mechanic is the big mechanic meant to help this game stand out. A neat idea, but I think a lot of the shells blend together too much for my taste, but that's mostly just a nitpick because the game encourages you to swap shells due to the difficulty.

The platforming is very well made. It gets creative with various mundane objects providing challenges and Kril's movement options like the floating and fork throwing used as a grappling hook. I would even call the whole gameplay great, if it wasn't for, well...

The biggest issue with the game is its performance. There are several slowdowns that happened to me (which I heard is a problem on other consoles as well), the game is sometimes hacking because of way too much going on, and there are moments when hitboxes on both Kril and enemies made no sense to me, and I don't know if it's because of glitches. Speaking of glitches, hoo boy, this game has a lot of them. I fell through the floor a few times, music cuts off, the aforementioned hitboxes, etc. These problems actually made me use the assist mode at certain points because I was getting my butt kicked in ways that didn't feel entirely my fault.

So that dragged down the gameplay for me, but I'm gonna be honest, the story made up for it for me, because... goddamn. I didn't think the cute funny crab game was gonna make me cry. It may have a lot of themes that are preachy but the way it works into Kril's arc just really got to me, and the direction that it was taken was definitely not what I was expecting. I bumped up the score to what it is because the story got to me that much.

Gonna go sit somewhere and reflect on myself for some time now.

Un souls like qui prends des risques notamment par sa direction artistique. Beaucoup plus accessible que les autres jeux du genre, c'était une très belle aventure avec une histoire qui devient touchante sur la fin et avec une seconde lecture évidente sur notre société. Seul regret, pas vraiment de boss marquants à part celui de fin, la vraie difficulté réside dans l'exploration des zones et au platforming parfois assez frustrant.

I think the impulse to describe Crabs Treasure as merely a Soulslike is understandable given the somewhat divisive nature of the Souls style difficulty curve - but in truth Crabs Treasure is just as much a PS2 era 3D platformer as it is a challenging action RPG. This fusion is so unexpectedly seamless that its actually kind of difficult to distinguish at first, but when youre unlocking an ability that lets you break purple cubes that have been blocking passages in the past 3 zones and now youre backtracking through levels to collect pink upgrade crystals the experience is unmistakable.

And unlike most contemporary Soulslike titles that determine iteration on the genre means stapling more systems onto the side of the combat experience, Crabs Treasures combination of genres genuinely synthesizes novel gameplay experiences unseen or unrealized even by the Souls games themselves. You ever wanted a boss that truly roams an entire level and acts as a stage hazard in addition to a thrilling Souls fight? Well guess what nerd, the silly crab game is the one that pulled it off - and it might have even pulled it off because its a silly crab game thats slightly less beholden to the confines of realism.

Bonus Thoughts:

- The humor here is kind of tone deaf. Balancing serious with funny is for sure challenging but Aggro Crab makes their gambles with just emphatically bad jokes half the time.

- Swomps not in the game

- Slightly less serious Soulslike means slightly less serious about making sure things like input buffers are tight and unobtrusive, and therefore an occasionally more frustrating game to take seriously.

Muito fraco o jogo.
O visual é bonito mais nada além disso.
Não recomendo

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Overall, a fun souls-like game. I'm nearly through the story, I will update once it's finished -- but in the sense think of it as Elden Ring but with a crab except you don't have your horse yet you have a floaty little jump. The story centers around young Krill wanting to relax and do nothing in his tide until a bothersome loneshark comes and takes his shell away as a means of "Tax collection" -- bewildered and befuddled, young Krill now goes on this colorful yet dark story. Don't let the cute fish fool you, this game gets dark later on!

wonderful game, tons of fun to go through. the game is consistently funny but has enough control over its tone to bring across some strong themes. it is maybe the only parody souls game that actually manages to subvert and play to the thematic strength of fromsoft's game in equal measures.

the combat is really fun, as long as youve unlocked the right skills. i actually almost quit the game when i was a good ways in because i went for skills that didnt really change the combat and it got stale. i would recommend rushing the scrap hammer and capsize punish skills, both in the upper right of the skill tree, both made the game way more fun than it would have been without it

i also wasnt super a fan of the ending, though i do understand and get what they were going for

overall this game is awesome but i dont think i like it as much as aggro crab's other offering (the excellent going under)

aggro crab has officially got the sauce. i played going under several years ago and found myself really in love with it. one thing that stood out to me was the incredible writing that seems super locked in to the way i and i think a lot of young people feel towards the capitalist corporate world we live it. that incisive, reflective writing continues here in force and in many ways i think is even stronger. (not to mention super funny easter eggs and parody garbage)

i also love this team’s bright and round art style, and super fun combat. ever since they announced they were working on a new open ocean funny little crab action adventure game, i was totally on board and ive been following it for some time!

over the past year or two though i have played through every single fromsoft souls game and they have become some of my favorite things just.. ever. so my excitement and anticipation of this game grew even more as i saw how it took that tough as nails difficulty and applied it to a seemingly bubbly fun world. not to mention that this marketing team seems to have way too much fun, i love your tweets and tiktoks good job guys!!

something i never expected though was that this game not only emulates many combat elements that i love in fromsoft games such as parrying, posture, dodge rolling, and fun spells and armor (the collectible shells being both is SUCH a fun mechanic) but it also carries the deep, powerful elements of storytelling, world building, and an unsettling, pervasive undercurrent of corruption. in this game that theme is seen in different characters, physical elements in the world, and so on. but that feeling is something that not many games are able to capture, so that’s something i really appreciate. the later areas in the game especially are particularly good at this.

that being said though, the whole journey has so much to offer. every single area feels distinct and has its own fun unique challenges and secrets, and i enjoyed every single one. i was pleasantly surprised to find out that this game is also a really fun 3D platformer! so interspersing fun and challenging combat with exciting and well designed 3D platforming stages is a great combo i didnt know i needed!

the bosses also are excellent, they are a great challenge and i loved getting to learn their moves and phases. there is a really fun variety, and i think they serve as excellent rewards and challenges for the end of areas. the options also to lower the difficulty were very welcome, as sometimes id get frustrated on a boss and i could give myself a little boost. its not something i used frequently, but as a tool to help out when you need a little help just think its really well implemented!

the upgrade system is also super satisfying, i love exploring and collecting sparkly crunchy crystals to upgrade my moves and collecting boss abilities is a great way to feel like you’re continually getting stronger. that alongside the normal souls system of currency being spent to level, and equipping different add-ons to augment your build, its super well designed and i enjoyed it a lot.

i also have to shoutout the fantastic sound in this game! super satisfying item sounds with clangy parry and weapon hits, it is all super well done! the soundtrack as well is excellent, so many fun but also atmospheric tracks for the different areas, and a variety of intense and groovy boss themes lead to me 100% looping this on my VGM playlist.

every element of this game comes together to form a really unique and cohesive package. the story was already great but went in several directions i was not expecting, and that ending really has got me sitting here thinking. i can tell this is a game with a lot of love and passion put into it so i want to say thank you to the entire team!! i really loved your game and cant wait to see what you’ve got next!

Fun in first hour, but a little annoying for the rest. Good colors