Reviews from

in the past

i absolutely love the art direction in this game

Couldn't really hold my interest that long. May pick it up again at some point but i'm not seeing that happen anytime soon. Perhaps with a next gen upgrade i could see myself giving it a try again.
This should've been a 60fps game honestly, even Bayonetta 2 runs really well on the freaking Wii U and looks just as good as this so i really don't understand what happened here.

The combat greatly rewards swapping many of the different legions, which also have great customizations.
Katsura's character/legion design doesn't miss, greatly recommend Zetman if you liked his work in Astral Chain

Platform kisimlarini hic begenmedim.
Aksiyonu keyifli fakat hikaye cok bölüyor. Cok az aksiyona girebiliyoruz başlarda.
Guzel farkli bir evren hoşuma gitti. Oynanis baslarda zorlasa da sonradan yeni mekaniklerle ve yeteneklerle baya derinlesti.
Keyif aldim ama daha az platforming lazim.

Really fun combat and mechanics, and almost certainly the most underrated soundtrack of any game for me. It's djent as hell