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in the past

More than anything else I really love the unconvential ways your player character accomplishes actions. Having to actually move the legion around an enemy to wrap them instead of just pressing a "wrap" button makes the game quite refreshing! I also really appreciate the implementation of this movement into puzzles and platforming.

I found the characters/story mostly boring and I did have enough of the combat by the end of the game, not that I think it ever overstayed its welcome either!

Wife’s Reaction:
“What’s this game called again? Ass Chain?”

All Cops Are Astrals:
I want to like this game more but it just kept getting in its own way. On one hand, the game has some cool, unique combat, as well as some great music. On the other hand, everything else from the cop sidequests to the story and cutscenes are a bore and it all drags the experience down.

Tiene sus años y sigue siendo de lo mejor en acción de nintendo switch

i absolutely love the art direction in this game

Couldn't really hold my interest that long. May pick it up again at some point but i'm not seeing that happen anytime soon. Perhaps with a next gen upgrade i could see myself giving it a try again.
This should've been a 60fps game honestly, even Bayonetta 2 runs really well on the freaking Wii U and looks just as good as this so i really don't understand what happened here.

The combat greatly rewards swapping many of the different legions, which also have great customizations.
Katsura's character/legion design doesn't miss, greatly recommend Zetman if you liked his work in Astral Chain

Like everyone else saying the game is underrated sadly and oh GOD THE MUSIC

Recentemente, sorteei um game para jogar da minha wishlist e caiu o Astral Chain, game que me chamou atenção principalmente pelo seu visual. É até mesmo engraçado falar dele, porque quando comecei a jogá-lo, Astral Chain me passava muito uma vibe de um jogaço, até porque no início dele você já começa na ação pura, em uma moto, e toda essa cena inicial é linda, colorida e muito chamativa. Depois dessa cena, somos apresentados ao combate do jogo, que igualmente parece bem promissor e empolgante. Porém, depois desse início, o jogo cai num limbo de pura repetição.

O jogo peca muito em manter esse ritmo inicial que foi apresentado no começo e rapidamente se torna um jogo típico japonês atual, onde temos diversos objetivos um mais desinteressante que o outro. O jogo meio que passa para você "casos policiais" e, como tal, você estará constantemente voltando para a base, usando uma visão especial para investigar os locais, quebrando completamente o fluxo do jogo. Para mim, a pior parte é essa da "investigação" que você tem que fazer, é chato demais cara. As missões secundárias no jogo são tão chatas quanto as principais, quase sempre são objetivos bobos e que não acrescentam absolutamente nada de bom à gameplay.

Outro conceito que achei bem chato no jogo foram os tutoriais e as mecânicas do game. As mecânicas do game, em teoria, funcionam perfeitamente, porém o controle e a sincronia da gameplay com seu summon são estranhos e meio que ficam na tentativa e erro. O jogo te explica com trocentos guias, porém com o tempo você acaba pegando por conta própria mesmo. Felizmente, o combate puro é ok e consegui ser bem divertido. O que, por outro lado tambem, pode ser ruim já que as missões geralmente começam na base, você parte para a missão, tem investigação, para depois sim você de fato entrar em um combate, só que dura tão pouco tempo que quando você pisca tá de volta na sua base da delegacia.

O que me faz pensar porque só não executaram o game de maneira simples e objetiva, somente se concentrando em um combate simples do jeito que ele é com momentos de ação com sua moto que para mim são o grande destaque do game. A câmera do jogo, como dito antes, é muito importante no game, você controla o seu "Legion", que é o seu summon padrão, porém controlar ele é muito estranho, é quase como se você estivesse jogando "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons", já que lá você controla dois personagens com um único controle, porém aqui, além dos controles de câmera serem pouco precisos, o jogo faz questão de você usar o Legion em diversas situações. O controle nesse sentido é muito mal feito, acho que poderiam deixar o Legion mais independente de você enquanto você simplesmente manda comandos de ação, acho que ficaria muito melhor assim.

Tudo no game, de maneira geral é mais ou menos, e a história também não é lá essas coisas, na real é uma história até que irrelevante e meio "foda-se". Visualmente, para um jogo do Switch, as coisas parecem legais aqui, graficamente falando. Ele não chega a ser uma maravilha dos gráficos, porém ele também não é feio, sendo um game padrão japonês com um estilo anime 3D.

No geral, Astral Chain é um jogo bem OK, para melhor dizer mediano. O jogo tem aí por volta de 15 a 20 horas de história principal, muito disso por conta da enrolação que o game tem e sinceramente, para pegar 100%, eu chuto aí mais de 70 horas e nem senti vontade de jogar novamente. Sendo bem sincero, é um típico game que você vai se forçar demais para achar uma diversão, vai até encontrar, porém logo ela vai embora. Eu sinceramente não entendo como esse jogo tem notas tão altas, é apenas um jogo mediano e não tem literalmente nada demais.

Pontos Positivos:
- Visualmente legal
- Gameplay legalzinha no combate

Pontos Negativos:
- História boba
- Personagem criado por você bobão no meio da história
- Câmera confusa de controlar, principalmente com o Legion
- Problemas de ritmo

Versão utilizada para análise: Switch

Combat is insanely fun, though I wish it could run a little smoother, does great with what it's got on the switch

Fun concept and worldbuilding. Excellent combat with an interesting skill progression. The combos feel great and flashy. The story drags on for a bit too long.

Tengo que terminarlo pero lo que llevo jugando me está encantando.

This game is so slept on it's crazy. Perfect Platinum action.

This game is THE definition of style over substance, despite only being around 10-15 hours long this game severely dragged on and towards the end I just wanted it to stop.
Story isn't great, and the combat is good but the camera + legions feel incredibly clunky (ironically a problem Bayonetta 3 suffers from but to a lesser extent).

Who the fuck thought all that platforming shit should be added too?

The best non-Nintendo Switch exclusive. The combat is amazing and lets you do some very cool stuff, although it can take a while to get used to due to the unusual controls. The graphics are also super impressive for a Switch game. I don't usually take graphics into account when reviewing games, but Astral Chain could easily pass off as a PS4 game honestly.

The story is basically every single cyberpunk tropes you can possibly think of bundled up together, which is fine if you don't think about it much, but it does suck than some out-of-game stuff is required to read if you want to get the full picture.

Very platinum game-esque action game with a strong anime aesthetic and banger music. World building is actually really good but the story is meh. At least some of the cutscenes are hype.

What brings the game down are the annoying forced stealth sections, the light padding (some animations/scenarios take way too long, some enemy/area copy-pastes, and huge repetition for completion), and finally - the technical limitations of the switch.

Played the extra content in file 12 but I could only get about halfway before it became really grindy and long. The gameplay is pretty good but not enough for the same thing another 30ish hours.

Sitting on it, I realized a lot of the side missions are a mixed bag where some are really cool (puzzles, balancing games)! But others end up being filler combat or fetch quests. And damn is that switch hardware really rough here, causing overheating and very low fps during fights. It would feel so much better at 60fps. 8 -> 7

Frame rate dips at times, but worth it.

wow, is this an amazing and slept-on game. I feel like I hardly have heard anything about it surrounding its release and especially since then, but it has been a fantastic example of how Platinum Games operates.

The core DNA carried from capcom and clover is here, with multiple iterations, recessive genes reappearing(such as MGR's blade system) and some entirely new systems.

On its face and until you get the hang of it, partway through the 2nd file, it seems daunting and convoluted, but it feels just as good as any of the more straightforward(and in fact is a little bit simpler) platinum action games. The chain mechanic feels a bit like the concept on display in Okami, only with more 3D space to grasp. and it's not quite like anything else I've seen in a game. it works fluidly and dynamically, and it's a bit suprising I haven't found any sort of frustration in it. There's almost no downfalls to its execution which is a feat.

Aesthetically, the game drips much like most of their other games. extremely flashy, colorful and probably the best cyberpunk game I've played this year(barring that other Cyberpunk game if it can make it in time before 2021) The character designs are alright, though their faces are a bit odd but that's really digging for a complaint. It's very odd that this and control came out in the same year and had fairly similar depictions of the Astral Plane, being a lot of simple colors(mostly red in control, extremely red in AC). I wonder if they're both drawing on some source material, copied or compared notes, or it's some bizarre coincidence. Either way, it's definitely cool. And I didn't love or hate the zelda-like puzzles in it(get a power up, progress in the "dungeon"), and made it a bit more interesting to have these unique powers tied to legions

It also has a lot of customizability, including the UI which is always a surprising and welcome plus. And several unlockables that are worth hunting for, even if they're fairly minor cosmetic apps(hologram cat face projected in front of your character's face is top tier).

The sidequests are pretty fun for the most part and range from slide puzzle traffic jam minigames to boss rushes. I also really enjoyed the investigation segments, which felt fairly close to the Arkham asylum games.

My biggest complaint which the story helps quell is the copaganda in it. I don't have a ton to say about the effects of copaganda, but I do feel that even without the path the story takes, it doesn't feel close enough to real police officers to feel too icky, save for the couple sidequests about busting graffiti artists.

The story itself is good, although not extremely unique. If you're decently well-versed in anime you'll pick up on its beats pretty quickly as having seen them before. That being said, it still is interesting and enough to make me want to continue it beyond the stellar gameplay.

also you can pokemon amie to rip crystals off your fighting pets. that rules. And unlock the lappy suit. that also rules.

Platform kisimlarini hic begenmedim.
Aksiyonu keyifli fakat hikaye cok bölüyor. Cok az aksiyona girebiliyoruz başlarda.
Guzel farkli bir evren hoşuma gitti. Oynanis baslarda zorlasa da sonradan yeni mekaniklerle ve yeteneklerle baya derinlesti.
Keyif aldim ama daha az platforming lazim.

Really fun combat and mechanics, and almost certainly the most underrated soundtrack of any game for me. It's djent as hell

one of my favorite games on the nintendo switch, and the reason i got scarlet nexus. Combat is great, story is great

Definitely an underrated game.

The story is good, the visuals are good and the gameplay is really good.

This review contains spoilers

Very good

Wasn’t really feeling it till chapter 6 where the game miraculously clicked with me and after that it was fantastic.

The levels go on for much longer than expected which makes each chapter quite a big commitment, so it isn’t very bingeable as I usually did only one chapter a day due to the length of each chapter.

Story was decent but feels underdeveloped, rushed and derivative of you know what.

Great game that Nintendo fans ignored because Nintendo fans hate Nintendo games that aren’t Mario, zelda or Pokémon.

(Yes nintendo own the franchise, not platinum)

The investigation part kinda drags it down a lil bit

This is literally just Scarlet Nexus 0


Amazing game by Platinum Games...They got everything right from the start, from the choice of gameplay basis, to the choice of character designer and composer. Even the Switch was not an obstacle for her, because the game looks and works perfectly.

Combats cool, story could have been cool but they fumbled, feels to short