Reviews from

in the past

on hold because i didn't feel like continuing it...

This might be the most glazed game of all time but that doesn't stop it from having one of the coolest worlds in any game period, accompanied by beautiful visuals and great mechanics that only suck in the latter half of the game when half the enemies are bullet sponges and getting more than 30 bullets for each encounter is a blessing

Fantastic world building, setting and gameplay.

An insanely good game with great world building, visuals, and maybe the best setting in any game ever. The combat feels kinda dated and feels boring near the end, but that doesn't take away from the amazing narrative and immersion of this title.

Rapture is the best setting for any videogame

Literalmente lo mismo, o sea esto:

Lo de este juego es destornillante. Eh, lo pillais? No? Buf, en fin.

Este juego empieza casi diciendote la frase de que alguien tiene que limpiar los bateres incluso en una utopia y su puta madre que utopia, ademas de ser bajo el agua, lo cual aumenta aun mas el estilo waterpunk que tiene.

Este juego piso fuerte cual big daddy y seguira asi. Ojala hicieran una segunda parte.

Pero se ve mas guapo