Reviews from

in the past

אחלה משחק אבל הציטרים הורסים סיאסגו היה יותר טוב

its fun with friends but solo queuing is fucking hell

I really hope they will fix my baby. Unplayable but I will always come back.

not as good as csgo but still pretty fun

what's the point of adding a ranked mode if everyone has the same rank

I tried this shortly after release, and it genuinely ruined the way I played CS:GO 1, in particular with the removal of the Wingman game mode. Haven't touched the game ever since.

old review: they turned a really good game into an unfinished product, awesome.

new review: I personally still think the game is worse than Global Offensive but it has slowly been improving. Though somehow cheaters are seemingly more common in CS:2 than CS:GO but that's just Valve magic I guess. Though this review is coming after all the Valorant I've played I am most definitely just blinded by playing a game that isn't a complete failure in all fronts, but yeah. I love CS:2 and I hope it continues to improve (and gets a working anti-cheat.)