Reviews from

in the past

Wow, this game is absolutely stellar and could easily clinch Game of the Year if it were released in its current technical state. The story is captivating, and the RPG elements are executed flawlessly. Everything from the immersive gameplay to the detailed world-building has been done perfectly. It's a must-play for any gamer.

No esperava tant i ha sigut una grata sorpresa. Molt bé de worldbuilding i històries, inclús en totes les misisons secundàries. Moltes possibilitats de jugar amb diferents estils de personatge/mecàniques. Un mapa molt dens però al mateix temps massa complicat per a orientar-se, peca d'un realisme postís. Té algun que altre bug però es por disfrutar perfectament.

Still playing:

Incredibly immersive experience, the world feels full and alive. The writing, acting, and story are all top-tier.

The game has crashed on me a few times so far (PS5) but the autosaving makes it so that I don't lose much progress when it happens. Maybe a few minutes at the most. Still, would preferably not be losing any progress.

I think this game has a very strange premise for an open-world RPG, which if I oversimplify is – You have a few weeks to live and are trying to find a cure.

Now obviously it doesn’t really matter, you have as much time as you need to explore, but in my head, I’m thinking “Well if I’m V, and I’m in this situation, why would I fuck around doing odd jobs when I’m on borrowed time?”
I know that’s only really a problem in my head, and it’s besides the point because I tend to mainline these things, only doing a fairly small amount of side-content anyway, but that story really doesn’t help me want to explore.

The game and story are solid, sitting in this interesting middle ground between GTA and Deus EX. Though I would say the game seems to have a lot of systems and choices you could tinker with to make your character stronger or do different things… but they aren’t especially important if you’re playing on Normal as I was. Rare was it that I had any difficulty with any extended combat sections, and considering I wasn’t doing much side-content I would have thought I’d been a little weak. One of those situations where I’m torn between thinking I’m glad I wasn’t getting frustrated, but I feel like on normal I should be getting challenged and having to actually engage with the games many RPG systems a little more thoughtfully.

One other minor quibble – weird issue where quest steps involve waiting for characters to call you – but they do not for ages until I messed around trying various things. This was a mostly glitch-free experience for me playing it today, but that was a little strange.

Overall, though, the story and characters, and the basic gameplay loops propelled me along, even though I wouldn’t say it’s doing much that’s groundbreaking.

Isso que chamo de redenção, depois de muito tempo finalmente o Cyberpunk 2077 está jogável agora... Com alguns bugs aqui e acolá, mas dá pra jogar tranquilamente. Sobre o enredo e as mecânicas, achei muito boas, a CD Projekt Red evoluiu bastante do The Witcher 3 para o Cyberpunk 2077 nesses dois pontos principalmente, sem contar que os gráficos são bastante bonitos, mesmo jogando no low, o jogo ainda tinha o seu charme. Aprofundando mais nas mecânicas do jogo, eu não tenho nada para reclamar, são funcionais e cativantes, o enredo é complexo e melancólico, e fiquem tranquilos, vocês podem sentir um vazio existencial depois que zerar esse jogo. Sobre a dlc, se você gostou do jogo e zerou ele alguma vez ou está prestes a zerar, para mim é obrigatório jogar a dlc, ela enriquece e aprofunda ainda mais a história do jogo. Enfim, agora Cyberpunk 2077 finalmente é um ótimo jogo, recomendo bastante darem uma chance para ele caso gostem do gênero.