Reviews from

in the past

It's baffling how out of the classic Doom games, only 1 is good. 2 Is too big for its own good, with a scale that does not fit the gameplay, and this one either falls into the same trap (it even just reuses some Doom 2 levels) or shoots itself in its own foot with new design approaches.
The shotguns have worse and lifeless reload animations, the overall redesign of a lot makes it feel like a cheap knockoff more than anything else and the atmosphere does not mesh with the game.
Levels are more confusing than ever, and they decided to adapt something from Quake - where you have to shoot buttons sometimes in respect to a 3D environment. Only you cannot look up and down like in Quake, so the game may ask you to find a spot where you match the height of the button and then shoot it. Good luck even figuring that out after wandering the empty halls in confusion for a while.
Rounded up with a final boss that is either ridiculously difficult or easy depending on if you found some secret levels. Seems like it is only a balanced fight when doing one or two of the three secrets, as otherwise you are either both overwhelmed and weak or underwhelmed and overpowered.

Las animaciones no me satisfacen. Es como "ah, se murieron...". Pero en los dos primeros Doom sentías que los bichos eran flancitos, daba gusto matarlos y quedarte viendo la animación de cuando mueren. Acá no pasa eso. Es notable la mejora de los gráficos. Por momentos pensé que Doom se había convertido en un metroidvania porque hay que ir y volver mucho; cosa que encuentro molesta. Un poco está bien, pero ya que la esencia sea ir y venir, ir y venir... a mí, no.

they weren't lying when they said MIDway developed this (i did not like it)