Reviews from

in the past

It's baffling how out of the classic Doom games, only 1 is good. 2 Is too big for its own good, with a scale that does not fit the gameplay, and this one either falls into the same trap (it even just reuses some Doom 2 levels) or shoots itself in its own foot with new design approaches.
The shotguns have worse and lifeless reload animations, the overall redesign of a lot makes it feel like a cheap knockoff more than anything else and the atmosphere does not mesh with the game.
Levels are more confusing than ever, and they decided to adapt something from Quake - where you have to shoot buttons sometimes in respect to a 3D environment. Only you cannot look up and down like in Quake, so the game may ask you to find a spot where you match the height of the button and then shoot it. Good luck even figuring that out after wandering the empty halls in confusion for a while.
Rounded up with a final boss that is either ridiculously difficult or easy depending on if you found some secret levels. Seems like it is only a balanced fight when doing one or two of the three secrets, as otherwise you are either both overwhelmed and weak or underwhelmed and overpowered.

Is Doom 64 truly 'the real Doom 3'? I mean, maybe. It's a different Doom, but still Doom as far as I'm concerned.

The map designs and frequency of key/switch based objectives therein make me think of Metroid progression. These levels are slower, with little to no flexibility with which to take varying routes through. They don't feel as much like they invite speedrunning like the DOS classics.

Combat is still unmistakably Doom, if way too reliant this time on Hell Knights. Variety is the spice of life in Doom combat scenarios, and this game would've done well to remember that more often. I don't mourn for the loss of the Chaingunner or Arch-vile though lmao. Lost Souls were remarkably annoying here, somehow even more so than in either of the originals (perhaps to make up for the enemy types that didn't make the cut.)

I suppose the history of arguing whether or not Doom was intended to evoke fright and horror alongside a heavy metal power fantasy is rich enough that you can come to your own conclusions regarding the aesthetic change for this game. You might vibe with it, you might not. If you'd prefer a more consistent experience to the original forms of the first two games, 'Doom 64 For Doom II' is a mod that may be worth looking into.

What remains unique to this game though is secret levels serving real function beyond novelty. Eternal's Slayer Gates and the Unmaykr as the reward for their completion aren't subtle about being inspired by this game--and frankly don't live up to the legend either. The original Unmaker, especially when buffed by Demon Keys, is ridiculous, and makes a complete joke out of the final boss when all 3 keys are gathered. (The Demon Keys themselves also deactivate the demon spawners in the arena btw, isolating the boss for its absolute destruction even further. It's absurd.)

If nothing else, Doom 64 is definitely interesting and different, and worth giving a go for that reason alone. And who knows, maybe you'll even come away thinking of it as the real Doom 3. I'd say it earns it, all things considered.

uh, take it or leave it i guess. mostly carried by the new art and sound design that is way more cohesive and atmospheric than the original two. unfortunately the levels blend together around the middle of the game (64 really likes its six-layer switch hunts) and some of the balance changes are genuine head-scratchers. like why is the pain elemental SO strong lol

Got it off Steam because it was a dollar. Still prefer Doom 1 & 2 over this version. Still better than Doom 3, I beat it a long time ago, never obtained all the keys for the Unmaker.

Esse Doom é bom porém a decisão de desing dos inimigos ficou bem inferior em relação aos seus antecessores que me incomodou um pouco

Not a review just taking this out of rotation for now. I enjoyed what I played of it, so atmospheric and otherworldly in a way the original Doom games weren't. Enemy variety was kind of lacking. Some of the later levels got a little too heavy with the puzzles. Last one I remember playing had a Shell Game that would spawn in enemies if I picked the wrong one, and I just started quicksaving + quickloading and I still don't think I ever picked the right one so I have to wonder what I was doing wrong. Idk just not the kinda game I want to play at the moment but I love every other Doom game so I'll definitely pick this back up at some point and give a full writeup

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This will always be my second favorite Doom. It has the best atmosphere out of the classic series- the beautiful skyboxes and stages with lightning effects being real show stoppers for me. Then there's the unsettling OST which literally features crying babies and distorted groans to set the mood- you really get the sense that you're not wanted in this world. Then there's the demon keys/Unmaker. Going out of your way to complete the secret levels not only aids in upgrading this new weapon, but it'll also net you a trio of keys to seal off some monster gates at the very end and (ultimately) give you an easier time with the final boss. This was a really nice addition to reward exploration even further.

Map design is mostly great with more emphasis on puzzle solving, but the levels never get as massive or convoluted as the worst of Doom II's map. There are a few stinkers and instances of clunky first person platforming (with no jump button, because it's Doom), but I found myself enjoying these stages far more than anything in II.

If you can forgive the handful of overly cryptic puzzles (such as the yellow key in Final Outpost- there's no defending it) then Doom 64 will prove to be a good time.

Finally got around to playing through this in full. It's a really weird game to even exist, there were a lot of basic ports of Doom to various consoles, but it's pretty wild how fully new this is. Despite using a lot of the same weapons and enemies, they're all remade from scratch and feel a bit different, alongside an updated engine and a completely new set of levels, this feels more like an alternate reality's version of Doom. I think the feel of the movement and weapons isn't quite as good as the original, but it's certainly not bad (at least playing on pc, can't imagine it's great on an N64 controller). The level design is mostly pretty good, there's a couple I disliked but overall I'd probably put it over Doom 2's levels but below 1's. The updated lighting and different enemies definitely gives it its own style, which I don't think I'd say I like more but it's a nice change of pace. Doesn't really hold a candle to modern WADs but it would definitely be unfair to expect it to, and it's definitely worth playing overall if you're a fan of the series.

~fps retrospective 12~
It's just some good ol' doom but with a lot of changes. Ofc I can't talk about this game without talking about the change in tone to put my thoughts in short it's pretty cool and looks nice too. The gameplay is the same doom we all know with some of the levels being just so forgettable with some diamonds in the rough. I enjoy using the unmayker tho. Also that writing is so funny it's just sooooooo edgy. Midway did a decent job its just that this game is just kind of there especially when you look at the options you have when you see n64 fps games like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Turok which came like a month after I think.

Donc les rumeurs étaient vraies, le jeu est vraiment moins bon que les premiers jeux, et j'ai pas tant kiffé que ça les premiers... Je commence à avoir très sérieusement peur de DOOM 3....

Played on Linux PC

It's DOOM but with a irresistible haunting atmosphere and more maze-like level design.

It's all good and fun, except I easily get lost and the puzzles are not well communicated sometimes. This just made me quit, despite it otherwise being a good game. It's another form of DOOM, not by necessity worse or better, if you enjoy mazes or figure things out better than me.

Overrated, except for the Unmaker.

An alright Doom game. It's pretty similar (if not identical) mechanically to Doom II. I played around the half of it and it kinda seems like it ain't that much to see but some new levels; so I don't really feel compelled to finish it. I wouldn't recommend to play any of the old Doom games back to back as they are just so similar.

Las animaciones no me satisfacen. Es como "ah, se murieron...". Pero en los dos primeros Doom sentías que los bichos eran flancitos, daba gusto matarlos y quedarte viendo la animación de cuando mueren. Acá no pasa eso. Es notable la mejora de los gráficos. Por momentos pensé que Doom se había convertido en un metroidvania porque hay que ir y volver mucho; cosa que encuentro molesta. Un poco está bien, pero ya que la esencia sea ir y venir, ir y venir... a mí, no.

they weren't lying when they said MIDway developed this (i did not like it)

Still a fun game, but probably my least favorite Doom so far.
Level design was very hit or miss, with a bunch of backtracking, random switches, and "gotcha" moments, but other then that it was pretty good

DOOM 64 is a good reminder of why the boomer shooter genre continues to be a thing. There's something just so enthralling about speeding around primitive 3D levels (selling them short here, there's actually a lot of depth in how they're all arranged to provide the most visual and gameplay depth using a shoestring amount of resources) mowing down animated sprites. As someone who has only played the OG, 3, and 2016, this one presents as a solid in-between for the first two.

Better than II, worse than 1993

Esses demonios me fazem sentir superior diferentemente do que eu sou na vida

Yeah, I agree, this should've been called Doom 3 instead of the actual Doom 3.

Meh, joguei após zerar duke mukem, não tive uma boa experiência pois esse jogo é bem mais limitado em relação a gameplay. Não consegui gostar e só platinei pois vi que era fácil e isso foi mais recompensador que jogar o próprio jogo. Já joguei o primeiro doom e achei suas músicas bem mais marcantes. Infelizmente não gostei desse e quase dropei.

I'd like to give it an 8 because in a lot of ways is my favorite Doom, but the last level man, it sucks so hard that it makes Dusk's second to last level look good.

Bon bah comme tout le monde le dit, c'est le pire des Doom

Peak gameplay but I just don’t have the temper when I get stuck on a level

(Played on Xbox Series S)

idk, maybe its cause i played with a controller (which was probably the intended way to play doom 64) but i never felt so much tension playing doom before. a lot of the level design is a little too cryptic but its one of the first few "official" doom WADs that make you feel like you're trying to survive rather than this untouchable super hero. you feel like a soldier fighting for your life through hell (literally). combined with the wonderful ambient soundtrack by Aubrey Hodges and the art design, this is slowly becoming one of my favourite doom games

Foi legal a experiencia de jogar um jogo do falecido 64. O jogo envelheceu bem melhor do que eu pensava.

Yep, this one was a pretty cool experience (I liked it more than Doom II from what I've played it). It does have some cryptic bullshit (ofc always involving certain keys, what else) but, yes, let me be nostalgic on the crusty N64 aestethics for the milionth time because the presentation and sound effects really took me back in the late 90s in the most awesome way.