Reviews from

in the past

It’s a shame this DLC is so short, really wish I could bring Follows-Chalk back with me.

I was surprised how short this DLC is and kinda disappointed. I liked Joshua Graham a lot and how both endings have their ups and downs but this DLC could’ve benefited from atleast three more hours of content and some mission variety. All in all, it’s pretty decent and has its moments but still is pretty weak compared to the main game and doesn’t offer that much interesting content like I was hoping it would do.

While a little too short and simple for what it was trying to achieve, this was a good dlc, Joshua Graham is a fantastic character that I wish I got to see more of

Also being able to get his and Daniel’s outfits at the end of the dlc is a nice touch, I love those outfits

Boa dlc, bem curtinha, mas com uma historia maneira. Consegui umas armas poderosas que não tinha ainda.

Main memory of this dlc was trying to play it but the game constantly going into the slow motion cinematic shot because every enemy just has no armor and dies to a few hollow points.