Reviews from

in the past

Episode Prompto is fascinating in concept and unfortunately only partially as great in execution. This DLC is ambitious in scope regarding its narrative- a bit too ambitious, alas, as it only has so much time to tell the story it so desperately wants to tell. That all said, this does WONDERS for Prompto. I was already endeared to him going in and came out the other end a mess over him; I really do think that the absurdity of his situation is a good means to explore his anxiety and loneliness, and it really did resonate with me in spite of its weird, rushed pacing. I can't imagine reaching a certain point in the base game without playing this first, which is regrettably what I believe to bog Episode Prompto- and all of the other DLC, really- the most. Still, for what it is, it's pretty worthwhile, and the combat/presentation is all very interesting in its own right that I would genuinely recommend playing this if you like FFXV. Quick note: I never really found myself getting into the gameplay, but I know that a) a lot of people did and b) I'm notoriously horrible at any kind of shooter, so I'm opting not to comment on this in any depth.