Reviews from

in the past

What's here is good, there's just really not much of it. There's some cool lore and a handful of interesting fights (and an especially fun final boss), all set in a singular gorgeous tower that only takes a couple of hours to explore. It just doesn't feel substantial enough to recommend except to the biggest fans of Final Fantasy XVI.

There isn’t much here. The whole experience can be completed in a couple hours. There’s some great gear that can be gotten and more lore to uncover, but for the price this is best gotten at the discount level along with “Rising Tide” which knocks five bucks off and would serve as a complement to RT which is a much better main course.

just another dungeon basically. boring as hell and somehow miraculously they STILL managed to have jill not have any meaningful lines. its almost impressive. boss fight at the end was ok

I still hearing the omega ost inside my head. Really nice dlc