Reviews from

in the past

La trama un poco genérica y se siente como que los personajes no son parte de la trama, pero el gameplay está bastante divertido y con mucha variedad de estilos.


Sin más, ojalá tener tiempo para el endgame, pero uff.

A story is a bit on the weaker side, specially when compared to some of the stories in the mobile game, making me think this should have been an origin story to a different timeline of the main game because at a lot of times, it feels like more like a sidestory happening in tandem to something more major but everything else is absolutely phenomenal.

A stunning and well crafted world full of characters that have so much personality, with a gameplay that offers so much variety and that I think offers a lot of opportunity to find enjoyment.

Can be a bit grindy, but overall an immensely enjoyable experience.

gay angels shouting at each other is the pinnacle of entertainment


it's pretty but everyone really do be shouting the whole time.

loved the main campaign but i wasnt in the multiplayer mood

This was my introduction to the Granblue Fantasy franchise and I think it leaves a bad first impression. The game opens with a bunch of generic looking, two dimensional, annoying anime characters swapping generic, two dimensional, annoying anime lines of dialogue with each other. I was immediately put off by the character design and the tropeyness of the characters and worldbuilding. However I can't deny how beautiful the environments and backgrounds are in this game, the same goes for the soundtrack.

The combat also leaves a bad first impression. It gets better, but it remains very mindless throughout the entire game. I played on hard mode, and in one chapter I accidently started with no other party members (it's the chapter where your airship gets raided and you fight the big buff guy for the first time). And I still beat the entire level without having to restart once. And i'm not showing off, I was getting downed by the boss loads of times, but my character just kept reviving himself and I kept spamming attacks and dodging untill I wore the boss down. I fact I only had to restart a fight a single time in the entire game. It was during the final final final boss where I lost a dps check and failed to do enough damage to interrupt his instakill attack.

The story is weak, but I mean this as an absolute compliment when I say it does not overstay it's welcome. I'm so used to JRPGs dragging on for hours and hours so it was a genuine suprise to see how well paced this game is. The plot and characters are basic, but the set pieces and environments are fun and varied and the pace never slacks or feels off throughout the entire game.

I have absolutely no interest in the post-credits content of this game. I finished it in under 20 hours and I don't want to spend any more time in it. I hate gacha games and while I don't know if this technically classified as one I can feel the sinister tentacles of the genre poking in and I got out while I still could.

I'm playing this so much that I got genuinely sick and the sound of Cagliostro screaming Ars Magna and going tee-hee! echoes in my head every time I'm not playing the game

Jogo divertido e com ótimo endgame

I waited 7 years for Granblue Fantasy Relink and I can say that it has exceeded all expectations I had. By the middle of the story campaign I was jumping up and down with delight and screaming in awe at the spectacle of it all, also very glad that it has a long tail as for now I'm a bit burnt out but It'll be fun to come back periodically and find new characters ready to give me something brand new to sink my teeth into