Reviews from

in the past

I've loved my time with Hades despite never really clicking with its battle system. Its story and characters are sublime, and even if I found its brand of roguelike to be a little repetitive, I feel like it still needs to be experienced.

I feel like the game doesn't present enough variations to its boons to feel engaging on, say, 100th try, unlike something like Binding of Isaac. However, it does help that you'll likely not need so many tries as the game has an actual ending to work towards, which is what made me come back again and again.

Perfect game. Excellent fast paced action. Top tier voice acting. Couldn't get enough.

I really wanted to like it, but it just tires me out.

the roguelike to get anyone ever to play roguelikes for the rest of their life. got the one thing all the others were truly missing: an engaging, central plot with developing characters and a forward moving plot. also horny to push people on the fence into the pool (of blood hahahaha im funny)

"In my domain, you either find your place, or learn your place. There's work enough to go around, believe you me."

Hades is something special. It’s a Greek mythology run based game by one of the most prolific indie devs SuperGiant.
It has “I would love this” written all over it and I do. I really do.
If you’ve played Binding of Isaac or any rougelite games similar, you’ll see what Hades is the moment you first perish.
This game nails a lot of what makes an amazing run based game. From a tonne of unlocks to the knowledge gained through dying.
However I do genuinely believe Hades is one of the easier rougelites. This game though challenging at first, becomes really easy towards the end. I had about 35 runs completed by the time I finished this platinum journey with a 6 win streak being my max.
That isn’t a fault with the game though. Just the many unlocks you get, absolutely make the game a fun breeze nearing its completion.
The Greek mythology of this game absolutely shines so hard and if you even remotely enjoy mythology, this game will have you right from the start. It’s riddled with fantastic references to the stories of old, and give you fun insights into how SuperGiant created strong development with a pre existing mythos.
What this game has above a lot of run based games, is the story. There’s A LOT of text. It’s not afraid to be a narrative focused game and I love that. Games like Binding of Isaac and Dead Cells have small stories told through enemy designs and locations.
But Hades 100% is a strong narrative that continues even way past 30 runs. It keeps you hooked even beyond its “epilogue”
My only issue with the game is actually it’s unlocks. Hades throws all the weapons at you right away which are super easy to unlock and then as you level those weapons, you get certain modifications called Aspects that change your weapon. Especially the hidden aspects which do offer new ways to use the weapon in fun ways (even if I only did like half the hidden aspects)
But I still feel like they could have saved a weapon or two for later runs and also given an extra area to make later runs feel more exciting.
After the 20 run mark. You do kinda wish for another area in the game since you see the same 4 areas over and over again with little variation with the rooms.
But hey, it’s not a bad thing for a game to have me wanting more.
Overall, Hades is freakin fantastic with its voice acting, music, gameplay, level design and the incredible ideas it has that pushes rougelites in a fantastic direction.
Showing this genre, still has way more to offer.

Not as good as Dark souls 2 but I have a good time with it. Minus half a star for no emerald herald.

As I'm playing this game again to work on my platinum trophy in preparation for Hades 2 I'm falling in love with it again. My introduction to the roguelike Genre and I was instantly hooked. This genre is ALL about the gameplay and Hades is one of the few that interweaves an over arching narrative into the gameplay and its done wonderfully. The voice acting is top notch the story is very basic but still fantastic to experience. One of my favourite aspects of the Roguelike Genre is how low commitment it is you can play for 40 minutes and whether or not you clear the run you're still making progress. You can quit whenever you want and pick your run back up whenever and its such a minor feature but its something I absolutely love about this Genre. Its just fun to load up a game for 20-40 minutes kill some enemies and get off the game. Perfect genre to play alongside a much longer game (like a JRPG) for a nice change of pace.

The bread and butter for this game is the combat and its one of my favourites ever. Brutally hard at first but you gradually get better at the game and the game gradually rewards you with ways for Zag to permanently get better. The whole package falls apart if the gameplay isn't great and its nearly perfect here. 6 different weapons that all feel very different from each other with upgradable aspects that also feel different from each other and Boons that can wildly change your build from run to run. This is a perfect game to me with an endgame that makes this game endlessly replayable.

Masterpiece. I love this game.

I actually ended up playing this on the switch emulation through steam deck but it was a great time. The gameplay loop was great, it has amazing fast paced combat and I am so excited for the second one.

honestamente o jogo perfeito. roguelike (tudo de bom) com a arte mais linda que eu ja vi e musica que da vontade de chorar de tao boa me da arrepios ate hoje.... nao tem como ficar melhor do que isso (tem sim e ja ficou em hades 2

Eu havia comprado Hades fazia um tempinho já, e mesmo jogando o jogo pra caramba (cerca de 25 horas), eu nunca havia completado se quer uma run...
Foi após comprar meu monitor novo e ver um amigo comentando sobre que deu vontade de jogar e testar a frequência de hz também, e foi aí que finalmente consegui derrotar o final boss pela primeira vez logo na primeira tentativa!
Eu fui além, e quis fazer as tão famosas 10 runs pra ver o final do jogo, a questão foi que durante esse caminho, eu me interessei em fazer todos os achievements! E acabei MERGULHANDO no jogo, jogando dia e noite.
O jogo é maravilhoso em si, um execelente roguelite, suas builds são ótimas e bastante divertidas, armas e upgrades são ótimos, e com um leque vasto de equipamentos! Os diálogos e narrativa são muito bons também, muito além do que eu imaginava e esperava, a direção de arte, efeitos e portraits de diálogos são esplêndidos! Combate é redondinho e funciona de forma precisa e bastante satisfatória, e o sistema de calor é bastante desafiador e divertido!
Recomendo Hades pra caramba, até por que não é só um simples roguelite, ele tem um background maravilhoso e bastante coisa pra se fazer, estou extremamente hypado para o segundo jogo!! :D

jogo lindo, divertido e viciante. tenho que ver o desenrolar da história, mas até agora é impecável

Achei 10, não zerei, cheguei até o fim, mas enjoei do jogo, mais desanimo meu do que culpa do jogo, dou um 10 fácil pra ele.

The first time I saw Hades I liked it and I wanted to play it very much, After playing it I can say that it was one of my best rogue-like games, The game design is very impressive, And its music makes my game is always on, And the voice acting is in another level, Every character has it sweet personality either in voice or script or in art style, It is surprisingly has a lot of dialogue and I indeed mean A LOT, The gameplay is simple but yet challenging to master it with each weapon, With each run has different upgrades and chambers it makes it unique every time you play it, Overall very good game, I recommend to play at least once.

"In my domain, you either find your place, or learn your place. There's work enough to go around, believe you me."

now that I've replayed Hades the combats lack of depth (dash -> attack on loop) is pretty apparent.

originally played this on pc, but picked up a copy on the switch - only needed some remapping and it feels quite comfy to pick up and do a run.

not my fave supergiant - i think that might still be transistor but i'd have to replay it to confirm - nor is it my favourite roguelite, but it is nice to play for an hour or so and wind down after a long day.

because of that i'm not the type of person who feels compelled enough to want to 100% complete this game though. i don't even think i've done a full 10 clears either; i looked up the rest of the story to find out what happened and i'm happy enough with what i've invested into it but i am not overly obsessed with it like most people i know.

i'm interested in giving hades ii a chance but i hope the level variation, boon variety and combat is enough to distinguish it from this one. i'd have loved more secret bosses rather than variations on the same ones because this one feels a lot more limited than others.

Solid rougelike, fun combat and good progression and mechanics. Lacks much depth in how you build your character during a run, but still lots of fun.

Até agora está muito bom, viciante, divertido e com personagens muito divertidos e uma arte INCRÍVEL. A jogabilidade é simples e direta, pensei que ia achar enjoativo esse tipo de jogo mas acho que Hades faz algo incrível.

Tesão da PORRA, jogo bom de verdade, sou muito apaixonado.
De início tive medo de não curtir porque não sou muito ligado nos jogos difíceis que a experiência é baseada na tentativa e erro, mas isso aqui é tão bom que virou o meu jogo favorito. Gameplay gostosinha demais e muito viciante, além de que convida quem não é tão experiente com o gênero, já que a história flui melhor se você morrer bastante. Direção de arte INCRÍVEL, as ilustrações aqui tem muita personalidade e dão uma identidade forte pro jogo. Mapas lindos, personagens diversos, e música engajante. E mesmo que você acabe frustado, os diálogos são uma ótima recompensa para continuar por serem muito bem escritos. Essa história te deixa preso. Eu amo fofoca de família!!!

E se eu começar a falar meus sentimenos pelo protagonista, essa review vai ficar feia. Te amo Zagreu.

A brawler adventure game with replayability built into the game's main gameplay gimmick death each time you learn something new figure something out and unlock new skills and abilities. Add on a cast with unique personalities and a true ending that ties everything together for a more than worth it experience for the price.

This is a fantastic roguelike in every aspect. I don't think that it is the best at anything, but rather it is of a fairly high quality in every single category.