Reviews from

in the past

It feels useless to reiterate why this game fumbled so hard. Cortana becoming a space dictator just feels weird. The guardians feel like an afterthought and the campaign was extremely underwhelming. ALSO, why have a bunch of characters that weren't present in previous games show up here with little context. I don't mind a bit of trans-media storytelling but at least make it sensible for someone who can't read (me.)
I'm not gonna talk about the multiplayer (I kinda liked it, I never had an issue with the microtransactions when I was playing since I didn't have disposable income back then.)

Game only gets 1 star and not .5 because the multiplayer was kind of fun

If I had any inkling of faith for cloud gaming left my experience playing this co-op with my buddy destroyed it beyond recognition. I can't even give it score because it wouldn't be fair to game.

I mean… atleast I enjoyed the gameplay and multiplayer? Everything else is either mid or the campaign’s story

The game pretty good. The story terrible. Multiplayer, Best time of my life.