Reviews from

in the past

you gotta be a real fuckin dumbass to beat this game.


Sonic and the Secret Rings is a unique but flawed experiment in Sonic's 3D adventures. It ditches traditional platforming for on-rails running, forcing players to master tilt-based motion controls to navigate vibrant Arabian Nights-themed worlds. While the core concept is ambitious and the visuals are colorful, the imprecise controls and often frustrating mission design hinder the overall experience. It offers moments of speed and spectacle, but ultimately fails to deliver the satisfying platforming precision the Sonic series is known for.

Shoutout to my man GamesCage wassup baby I see you, you know what you do out there with those retarded Sonic fans alright GO EASY ON CREAM THE RABBIT MY MAN. I saw you on Youtube last night wasn't clean what you said. Stay off that streaming set you're talking crazy you're looking crazy, YOUR HAIR LOOK CRAZY, you look ridiculous, what do you- WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT AGE ARE WE TALKIN ABOUT HERE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BUDDY? We're gonna keep our children away from you my brotha, alright? STOP TOUCHING THE LITTLE ONES!